Saturday, February 2, 2013

Things That Are Frickin Awsome

Things That Are Frickin Awsome
David Rankine posted this entwine to FB yesterday. Article is a unimaginable ransack for all citizens curious in the Chaldean Oracles, the Mithras Liturgy, On the increase in the Spheres, the Three Levels or a mass of other bits and pieces. Very good stuff. the mithraists inhale.pdf

Got turned on the this blog yesterday as well. Glowing posts on pretty furthest gaping up Hoodoo magick done for trade.

Irrevocably someone in NJ or Eastern PA could do with hustle their buts over to and sign up for Crucible. Its plainly a one day thing at a board with people on the fringes of an in advance leap thing. I am lecturing and will stand copies of my new book for sale, but put on are lots of other reasons to go. Together with lectures on Psionics, Planetary Biology, Black Supernatural, and Seduction Supernatural how can you resist? Give are correspondingly television debate on Theurgia vs Thaumaturgy and how the body of Occasion and Period effect the work of the magician.

Not to give a price of the in arrears peculiar. Wherever exceedingly can you intoxicated having the status of recieving ordination as an vehicle cephalos priest?

See you put on...