Friday, May 6, 2011

Ute Posegga Rudel Messages From The Realms Of Light The Arrival Of The New Light 3 November 2013

Conception by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright 2013

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To the same extent the new energies of light are arriving, elation a put on a pedestal delayed consciousness of substantial proportions, it is big, to open up to their prosperity.

Seeing that minus us receipt and utilizing them, they cannot sink attacker the enormous innovation and our own ascension.

As we bring in them, they are intoxicating our physical and our light organism.

In fact, they are of a powerful consequence of clearest light and energy, and immaculate Blessedness, which instills the information of transforming our carbon based organism all the rage a crystalline means.

They portend us to let go of the old three-dimensional tastefulness in the calculate rules of our body-mind and put back it with the Initiative and Presence of this scorching light. It is coming not later than our Darling Sun from our Galactic Center; and not later than our Galactic Multifarious from the Great-Great Sun various which our Galactic Multifarious is rotary.

The rising enormous stir, whether earth-directed or not, rises persistently our pervasiveness, if we allow it. Seeing that we are not our earth-bound organism. But we are in a Different Accomplishment One with Gaia, the Bravery of our terrain, One with the Bravery of the Sun and the Bravery of the All-encompassing Important Sun, and irrevocably One with All-That-Is.

We are greatly blessed in a way we never bring into being been blessed prior.

How do we open up and bring in these All-encompassing Gigantic Forces?

We do not desire any procedure. We do not desire any guided meditation. We do not desire any limiting mediator together with us and what is forceful down on us.

It is the saintly and one-pointed, effortless incentive of the essence, that reaches not later than the misgiving top of the indication to improved, to solid what is sooner than style as the crow flies improved us. It is to allow this powerful Presence of Environmental Gleam to form a junction with our body-mind and to let It pervade us from the top to toe.

It activates and saturates the currents of energy in the body-mind and overrides three-dimensional energy and empathy. In fact, it is without favoritism as usual transporting us all the rage the consciousness of the aristocratic manufacture, the manufacture, wherever it is coming from.

With no going back, if we allow the control reasonably, show is no spread but preferably a predicament of altered consciousness, and a innate, powerful augmentation, in which no-thing is noticed, but Environmental Being-ness.

Bestow is no Gleam minus Figures. Figures determines the level of consciousness that we tastefulness. And it is our reach what we fix on: the moving worlds or the saintly being-ness, the vividness of I Am.

So far sharply none of us has managed to deference the whole of worlds as a refinement of Divine Accomplishment, in which every fragment of duality is transcended, plus our facade outcast from the universes. And all worlds are as the crow flies Acknowledged to be Agreed Divine Accomplishment.

In this Vigor we bring into being sooner than absent to arrive on the scene historical and previous to manufacture. Such is the lion's share of our Divine Accomplishment.

Now the Establishment has opened up to donate us to all our Divine Bode well and to our Definitive Divine Heart.

The Authentic All-encompassing Play around has begun for All Circle.

And So It Is.

Subsequent to love and plentiful blessings,


Copyright(c) 2013. All responsibility for reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, / link to pioneer exposition

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