Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Avalonia Pagan Books Now On Kindle

Avalonia Pagan Books Now On Kindle
Avalonia Books has free of charge sundry of its best-selling and new titles in KindleeBook format tabled Amazon. They are:

An Ogham Woodby Bluff Seruntine (magical deceit)

Hekate Liminal Burial - A onwards study of the rituals, spells and magic of the Torch-bearing Triple Idol of the Crossroadsby Sorita d'Este and David Rankine (history of the rituals, spells and magic of the Idol Hekate)

Horns of Power: Manifestations of the Horned Godby assorted authors(a pool of essays exploring the myths, history and magic of the Horned Gods)

Odin's Gateways - A practical handbook of Rune Supernatural and Divinationby Katie Gerrard (a handbook of runic magic and divination)

The Substantial Shekinah: A Family background of the Idol of the Old Gravestone and Qabalah - Her Start in Obsolete Pagan League and Enlightened Manifestations.by Sorita d'Este and David Rankine (history of the female divine in the Bible and Qabalah)

Visions of the Cailleachby Sorita d'Este and David Rankine (mythology and myth of the Celtic Frozen Hag)

Wicca Imaginary Beginnings: A study of the onwards birth of the magical rituals, practices and beliefs of modern Pagan Witchcraft.by Sorita d'Este and David Rankine (history and birth of the rituals of traditional Wicca)

For exceptional information about Avalonia Books, stop http://avaloniabooks.co.uk/