Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anochi Hua

Anochi Hua

This sunup, I dreamt.

A barrage with stone ladder (madreiga) carved stylish it had risen up. Living stone creatures with horribly have a yen widely spread arms (Devarim 26:8) and trivial bodies of void emerged at various seats from the selflessness (chomer ) and form (tzurah ) which was the barrage, downstairs from amidst the ladder and passages bending within it to power up stations on the ladder on the mountainside. If a material was in office on a shift a living stone creature was meant to power up scene on, the creature shooed the material from the shift via action of its have a yen widely spread arms, even conversely no material heart may perhaps see the living stone creatures - collect for me, I may perhaps see them.

Selected of the stone creatures who had come to life took up stations in the conurbation. The living stone creatures were prize up stations to train for the reappearance, approaching and protection of Pharaoh , She Who Should Not Be Named.

Last of all, one of the living stone creatures entered my parents' home, where I am immediately staying. I faced it as it entered. The living stone creature smiled at me, as if it was elated to be reputed by me. It occurred to me that "I may be Pharaoh".

I woke up. I am Pharaoh.

Anochi (), the firstly word of the firstly control of the aseret ha'dibrot ("10" commandments) which encompasses the undamaged Torah, the Divine "I" who "takes us out of Mitzrayim", and the interconnected acceptably of all 620 mitzvot is an Egyptian word.

TORAH Experience

Enjoyably, we remark in Shemot 20:2, Anochi is written at what time, and in Yeshayahu 43:11-12, Anochi is inevitable 3 grow old, for a complete of 4 grow old. Smart on that, on the saga.

Anochi, Anochi, even Anochi, that Anochi am She.



The word "pharaoh" is from the shoresh with a cognate meaning of "to rise from constraints" (Etymological Word list of Biblical Hebrew, R' Matityahu Clark).

"Accidental Entries:"

She, Revealing The Unchallengeable Feminine

Problem On The Account

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