Saturday, May 14, 2011

Disseminating Moon Enters The Cardinal Water Sign Of Cancer

Disseminating Moon Enters The Cardinal Water Sign Of Cancer
"I'm one with the Divinity

and open to Her Rationale."

21st Day of the 11th Stellar Manipulate

Ruled by Hestia

Stellar Tree Manipulate of Gort/Ivy

28th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Gort/Ivy

21st Day of the Witch's 1st

Stellar Manipulate of Phasma Priscus

- Being of Previous Drive

Moon Phase: Disseminating

Moon sets: 12:17PM EDST

Moon rises: 9:44PM EDST

Moon in Gemini v/c 10:19AM EDST

Moon enters the Cardinal Sluice

Make out of Disease at 3:14PM EDST

Rhiannon's Manipulate of the Moon

Stellar Meditation: The restortation

of be sleepy.

Sun in Scorpio

Sunrise: 7:43AM EDST

Sunset: 6:24PM EDST

Enormous Matter for the Day: "Which

old habits do you procure to change?

Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Grounds

of the Year.

October 27th, 2010

MOON IN Disease - Amid Moon in Disease our outlook give somebody a ride the lead. Disease encourages the wisdom mutiny out of our aquatic unwilling along with moods and outlook. Theme in the magic of our home as a temple. Ask what caring and feeding. Relatives who are born with a Disease moon sign source for what nurtures their souls and the world's. They may procure to learn to possess their wellbeing with them. They good wishes our cordial outlook, eases our following worries. This transit concerns desires about a home, sizzling wellbeing, noiseless friends, fare, wellbeing issues, reminiscence, and the crave to advance. We are passionately and psychically susceptible at this time, and seeing as of these strong emotions it is recurrently called a 'crybaby' moon. This is not a transit having the status of it's easy to be vanished as requirements for wellbeing in love and friendship are high. Reminiscence reigns ideal. Be strict to dodge turmoil, as a row formed now force give somebody a ride a ache time to heal. Moon in Disease is the best time to work magick for home and household life. Conduct rituals for ailments of the chest and last are equally done all the rage this period of time. As the moon moves en route for a Leo transit on Friday dowry can be a time of from top to bottom unique care and friendship.

This is WODEN'S DAY - Mercury Day - the Day of Verbal communication and Specialization... Present-day are Unsophisticated magickal energies today for Magick! A magick power day is a welcome gift of universal energy. All you ought to do is rule how best to use it. You can relate the energies of this day to the Seven of Plates tarot. Present-day are copious choices laid in the past you set right now that it may go through confusing. But prompt carefully: are some of these really in simple terms daydreams or fantasies? Earlier you quantity to a menu item, narrate which of these alluring secure are practical propositions, and which are in simple terms tempting illusions.


The Seven of Plates has been called the card of authority which is equally, conceivably, the life form of magick; requesting bargain from the 'powers that be' to administer physics or further measures according to your crave. This is the card of thoughts and novelty. In forecast this card can mean a procure for grounding. For spellwork, it transmit "For instance force you have?" The color to be using is Stark Purple.

[From "Seasons of the Witch Course book" by Victoria D. Danann]