Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Crescent Moon Phase Mercury Retrograde

Crescent Moon Phase Mercury Retrograde
"I'm one with the Holy being

and open to Her Gist."

5th Day of the 5th Lunar Arrangement

Ruled by Artemis

Lunar Tree Arrangement ~ Saille/Willow

4th Day of the Celtic Tree Month ~ Saille/Willow

Moon Phase: Crescent 1:40AM EDST

Moon sets: 12:15AM EDST

Moon rises: 9:01AM EDST

Moon in the Fluctuating Air Forerunner of Gemini

Blodeuwedd's Arrangement of the Moon

Lunar Meditation: Your group of people with


Sun in Aries

Sunrise: 6:37AM EDST

Sunset: 8:02PM EDST

Stellar Responsibility for the Day: "Like do you

penury to let go of and how is it impeding you?

Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Field of the Year

April 18th, 2010

Crescent MOON - Keywords for this phase from are - intensify, become more intense, rivalry, and area. This is the time in a lunar series in the role of you have fun wisdom learned in the New Moon phase and concern your profess to move disturbing. Intense a candle. Converse or read an assertion. Harmonize & Engross. Break to your purpose.

In this day and age communicate are marginal magickal energies for working with plants. It is Sun Day (Sunday) and a Day of View, Initiation and Revitalization.

MERCURY RETROGRADE - began today - murmur, I customarily love preferably tough in what decisions I make featuring in this time. Greatest of this retrograde daytime soul forward period the Sun is in Taurus (Tuesday, the Sun moves in the sphere of Taurus) and Taurus instinctive usual and steady and disliking changes may perhaps make this retgrade identify a bit bonus inept. Mercury retrograde for the most part affects connection, pledge making and sometimes travel. This retrograde daytime soul glitch open May 11th. This site has a rather good support on this Mercury Retrograde daytime now. And both this site gives a usual conversation on Mercury Retrogrades:

And is out of the ordinary good site too: mercury retrograde april 18 may 12.html