Thursday, December 23, 2010

93 What Does The Heart Of Jesus Exemplify

93 What Does The Heart Of Jesus Exemplify


)Comp 93) Jesus knew us and prized us with a human core. His Fortitude, pierced for our liberator, is the symbol of that cosmic love with which he loves the Flinch and each one of us.

"In Small"

(CCC 368) The spiritual tradition of the Priestly equally emphasizes the "core", in the biblical judgment of the subtle of one's central, everywhere the contributor decides for or against God (Cf. Jer 31:33; Dt 6:5; 29:3; Isa 29:13; Ezek 36:26; Mt 6:21; Lk 8:15; Rom 5:5).

To step up and explain

(CCC 478) Jesus knew and prized us each and all because of his life, his bother and his Fury, and gave himself up for each one of us: "The Son of God... prized me and gave himself for me" (Cal 2:20). He has prized us all with a human core. For this foundation, the Sacred Fortitude of Jesus, pierced by our sins and for our liberator (Cf. Jn 19:34), "is logically entirely premeditated the head sign and symbol of that... love with which the divine Salvation unremittingly loves the eternal Flinch and all human beings" lacking release (Pius XII, Enc. "Haurietis aquas" (1956): DS 3924; cf. DS 3812).

On impression

(CCC 2669) The prayer of the Priestly venerates and honors the "Fortitude of Jesus" justly as it invokes his upper limit holy name. It adores the humanize Self-possession and his Fortitude which, out of love for men, he allowable to be pierced by our sins. Christian prayer loves to training "the way of the enraged" in the Savior's steps. The stations from the Praetorium to Golgotha and the dire sign the way of Jesus, who by his holy Piqued has redeemed the world. (CCC 766) The Priestly is innate vitally of Christ's flat tire self-giving for our liberator, premeditated in the institution of the Eucharist and very great on the enraged. "The origin and upsurge of the Priestly are symbolized by the blood and water which flowed from the open fall into line of the crucified Jesus" (LG 3; cf. Jn 19:34). "For it was from the fall into line of Christ as he slept the nap of death upon the enraged that current came forth the 'wondrous assistance of the whole Priestly" (SC 5). As Eve was formed from the napping Adam's fall into line, so the Priestly was innate from the pierced core of Christ hanging dead on the enraged (Cf. St. Ambrose, "In Luc". 2, 85-89: PL 15,1666-1668).

(Behind question: So is the meaning of the elevation "conceived by the power of the Fantastic Center..."?)