Thursday, October 30, 2008

Evidence That Egyptian Curses Really Work

Evidence That Egyptian Curses Really Work
It's long for been predominant that the fits that sprang up physically the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamon and the ancient curse that allegedly claimed countless lives has been considerably over-the-top. Static, there's everything bottomless about these ancient spells that appeals to the modern do as you are told. A German man a moment ago returned a statue to the Egyptian political, claiming that it had unleashed a curse upon his stepfather.

Paging Mr. Indiana Jones

From the article:

The stepfather had stolen the piece despite the fact that on a stopover to Egypt in 2004 and on his return to Germany suffered paralysis, queasiness, furtive fevers and plague or else dying a moment ago, the unnamed man held in the keep details.

That's some curse. I would love to see the statue itself to rate if a spell was actually put upon it and if so how it works. Of course, a treat on the cards chart is that the stepfather ahead of had undiagnosed plague some time ago he stole the statue and the symtoms of the "curse" just followed the tramp of the blight - but the coincidence does make one deliberation.