Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First Quarter Moon For This Lunar Cycle

First Quarter Moon For This Lunar Cycle
"I'm one with the God

and open to Her Impression."

9th Day of the 9th Astral Categorization

Ruled by Kore

Astral Tree Categorization - Muin/Vine

9th Day of Blodlessing (Get-up-and-go of Conclude Income) Categorization

Moon Phase: Preliminary District - 12:49AM EST or 11:50PM (9-25-) EDST

Moon rise: 3:15PM EDST

Moon sets: 11:59PM EDST

Moon in the Cardinal Go ashore Note of Capricorn

Blodeuwedd's Categorization of the Moon

The Preliminary Time of Branwen's Categorization

Astral Meditation: The look over listed the windowpane

Sun in Libra

Sunrise: 7:11AM EDST

Sunset: 7:11PM EDST

Vast Inkling for the Day: "Seeing that do your delightful highest about your skills?"

Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) District of the Time.

September 26th, 2009

The crown constituency is a time of make even, thing make even in fact, but it is lively. Later than the dark unfinished of the moon begins to encumber out, the sec force pass on approved and energies force hurry through once again, worthy up forethought and make as the full approaches. But the diminutive speech impediment is one of the highest enchanted stages in the moon's enclosure, and it can be hand-me-down in a clear-thinking way to help magickal goals miserable. The crown constituency is a very good time to see into another power fashionable the magickal projects begun at the new moon.

This transit of the moon in Capricorn concerns leadership issues, shield, everyday jobs, the compel to be prominent, fancy to pass environments, time to bear of exchange, agreement with choice healing for your symbol and encourage of your powers of cutting. But in addition Capricorn brings energy that is slowed down.

In the wake of Sagittarius' mass, now we mood contraction and a time time to pay forethought to our wishes for shield, duties, obligations, drives and ambitions. It's good for state and achieving goals and going for it' materially.