Monday, March 8, 2010

The Devils Playthings

The Devils Playthings
"The Devil's Playthings" is a beautiful short film from Magicana and a tribute to the late Billy Jamieson. Although we are not familiar with Jamieson, David Ben is no stranger to the conjuring arts, and this is yet another example of his fantastic contributions to our art. It is also an honor to see our Vintage Plaid Playing Cards used by Mr. Ben in the film. Here is a description of the film from the website:

A concert of sleight-of-hand - Bach's Goldberg Variations meets Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3 - conceived as a macabre fantasy, performed by David Ben, one of the world's foremost practitioners of card table artifice, as a tribute to his late friend, the renowned adventurer and tribal art collector, Billy Jamieson, and his collection of artifacts documenting human humiliation and cruelty.

Filmed amongst Billy's arcane collection before it was dispersed, the film was directed by Daniel Zuckerbrot, edited by Bert Kish and features original music by John Lang and a soundscape by Alan Geldart (complete with Wilhelm scream). The work also includes a post-modern explanation of the sleight-of-hand technique employed in the film, demonstrating that, in the end, there is little difference between fantasy and reality.

Watch "The Devil's Playthings" at