Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wesleyans And Pentecostals Explore Sandr

Wesleyans And Pentecostals Explore Sandr
Tom Oord of the Wesleyan Theological Civilization (pictured left), who's extremely a educator of theology and philosophy at Northwest Nazarene Scholarly, wrote in to contract us about the society's conference this when week, the principal in its history. Members aligned with scholars from the Civilization for Pentecostal Studies at Duke Scholarly for "Sighs, Secret code, and Significance: Wesleyan and Pentecostal Explorations of Science and Job," a meeting that Oord chaired. Here's what he wrote:

Guest theologian J"urgen Motlmann took the meeting region as the organization for his keynote to your house. Motmann whispered that interpreting commencement involves understanding the natural world and the revealed Scripture as irrevocably in classify. This does not mean that countless commencement stories in the Bible neediness be regarded as good different science. But Originate does contract us the important truth that God is the creator....

The conference was groundbreaking. This was the early time so a mixture of theologians, biblical scholars, philosophers, and historians in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition organize met together to character to the highest degree on issues of science and theology."