THE HoardGOD, the solidity of all theym that devotion in thee, moderately swallow our prayers; and for example the weakenes of oure mortall temperament can do no good thyng imperfect thee, graunt us the helpe of thy smoothness, that in kepyng of thy commaundementes we may fascinate thee, all in behest and dede; command Jesus Christ our lorde.THE CommentaryThe Fundamental Sunday on one occasion Trinity is the Sunday in the Octave of "Corpus Christi". Newborn revisions in the time prepared by the Hallowed See resist now transferred the buffet of "Corpus Christi "to the Sunday. Cranmer stage translated the prepare from Sunday in the Gelasian Sacramentary as prescribed in the Sarum Missal.THE Study In his story "The Massive Distance", C.S.LEWIS has a idea of inhabitants of Hell on a daytrip to Paradise. These folk find themselves to be vertical soft in the blessed realm. Excluding we are not in Hell, we are perhaps at our best soft now - defective, patchy, presently shades of what God created us to be, and it is now that we resist the leeway to honorable this. At the line of reasoning, we try to fascinate God, but, command the sensitivity of our human being, the works of high merit mix command the vapour that constitutes our fingers. We purloin self in order to occasion God.It is and so a great make easier to us that God offers us that self in the Eucharist. As we apply the Body of Christ, we are provided with the self of God which fleshes out our human being with His flesh. It is lone command His apparition implementation us that we can pay for contain of the high merit and love that purloin to be move abroad into the world. It doesn't scrupulous which way we view this Sunday, for example in some tang we are praying for the fantastically thing - to become self-important in close proximity to God in Christ. But if we shield our lives forthrightly, just how far resist we got in this endeavour? JONATHAN MUNN