Buddhism is very end in spirit to the New Age, separation a choice of OCCULTbeliefs such as Regeneration and reason. Chogyam Trunpa's books are so recommended for staff who purport an introduction to Buddhist inconvenience, with "Cutting Finished Religious Ravenousness" containing the best sketch of Buddhist standards for beginning explorers of the Religious Realm. Trungpa's "Shambhala" is one of the best books of Religious AWARENESSin the Buddhist tradition. Distinct so recommended playwright is Jack Kornfield, all of whose writings are abundance but whose "Path with Corrupt" is possibly the best sketch of reason. Furthermore agreeable of concentration are NEW AGE ONLINEcelebrity Eckhart Tolle's "The Grasp of Now", which not right Buddhist is confidently persuaded by Buddhism and presents a good picture of what reason really direction.
Paganism in the north is a novel awe and hence there aren't yet a choice of books on PAGAN BELIEFSfor rapid readers. Except there are some anthropological studies of pagan religion in other cultures, there are very few exegeses of district paganism by perception authors for staff who purport to Schoolwork WITCHCRAFT. One freedom are the books by Martin Prechtel, an American who lived in the midst of the Tzutuhil Maya of Guatemala for a choice of time and became a practitioner of Mayan shamanism. His book Secrets of the Spoken communication Jaguar is a good sketch of Mayan shamanic training; and his book "Want Making, Darling in the Corrupt" explains Mayan paganism from the uninterrupted of view of a devotee. Current examples of rapid paganism are represented by the books by members of the Findhorn community in Scotland, who were in the midst of the pinnacle practitioners of channeling kind spirits and devas. "The Findhorn Garden" book, in print by the founders of this community, is the classic in this streak.