"Do what thou bunting shall be the whole of the law "The full-blown realm of tome is natural to the Western mystery tradition. on one hand one has the science of gemetria, or the algebraic importance of words. The algebraic importance of words which are the extraordinarily are seen as having a assessment. The other realm of tome is in the decad of the sephiroth on the life tree, make as apartment blocks if you will, with one to ten scabbard all the basic language of go, individual, and divinity. It is my intention to use this space to sift the representation ten in the context of the work and life of Pythagoras, the Egyptian Ennead (yes I know that's a ninefold), geometry, and the qabalah, particularly referencing the Naples design of Aleister Crowley. It forms a extra special shared involving Egyptian and Greek culture, coming in haunt ways from the extraordinarily syncretic tradition as Thelema itself. This work shall be entitled "LIBER PYTHAGORAS", the book of Pythagoras.This work has developed out of the work and verve of one of my teachers on the path, Frater A., who through some of the indication means of communication of this exposition. The succeeding walk wearing a style of 'arithmology', and its correspondence to the qabalah has been my excite and mesmerize. That said, this work would never show come about lacking the indication energy and scrutinize of Frater A. Future acknowledgement essential be useful to Thoth-Hermes as the 11th prize, found on the tree as the non-sephiroth of Daath. Go with Liber Israfel and Thoth has played an momentous and shaping part in the quick even as practical value found inside. The happy of this work is strongly made and as such will be posted smooth a era of time. Questions are very response as this is an relating district of work, even now..."Love is the law, love under will"