(The "edge" is if you appear the dead LiveJournal, Grow, Geocities and Wordpress blogs that I carry on started and uncontainable more the natural life. I last that I potency carry on done some blogging on MySpace above and beyond. Submit is seemingly a fasten of other blogs that I carry on ancient times.)
Gleamings from the Golden Fright (creatively righteous Gleamings from the Fright) was started on Dignified 16, 2007. It was started being I jump at to differentiate my magic, wiccan, pagan, witchcraft, Golden Fright etc. posts from my everyday "I am a novelist" blog, Musings from the Inkwell (creatively Musings from the Pen, a family name that I not the same equally I realized that it sounded a slight prison-y).
Condescending the disappearing four natural life, I carry on university a lot. A disagreeable list of matter I learned:
The Golden Fright, witchcraft, testify magic, paganism, etc. community is as not capable of getting miserable as it was in the 1980s and 1990s the 2000s and the start of 2010s whole to be repeats of in the past debate and arguments.
I unhurried don't expectation what people last of me...nor am I lay out to fuse the f
up as some people would whim me to.
And that a indisputable remains of my correspondence will always be rumored at the esoteric community apart from the fact that the quickest way to get slighted in the esoteric community is to organically filch money for your work as a novelist.
It is the disappearing part that amuses me the supreme. The people who holler the loudest that occult information and books obligation be free are the very people who limitation part a top would filch a take-home pay to highlighter and teach the occult. You carry on to scorn about it.
Newborn thing I carry on university is that the esoteric community tends to carry on a conception of humor...apart from the raucous screams by the trolls who sustain that zoom I say is amusing or obligation be talked about.
Condescending the natural life, I carry on created a few other blogs as I noticed that some of my posts did not fit happening either my Golden Fright or correspondence blog. Bag of All-important (my supporter blog) was created on April 5, 2008; Thoughts of TARDISes, Buckle Engines and Stargates (it is a nerd drip blog!) was created on December 8, 2008. This summer, I created Loki's Insightfulness (which is said for my own artwork and cartoon strips) and Celtic Life Adornment and Terracotta (for the separate plan of essential my wife's pottery fixation).
One of the matter that I university was that I really do not carry on the time (still in college) to habitually post to six blogs. Out of the 1152 blog posts that I carry on done on Blogger (192 average per blog), 600 has been here on Gleamings and 406 carry on been posted in Musings. For me, that is a novel number I did not expect that to clearance equally I started them.
(Nearby are the other expel if you are curious: Bag of Tricks:80; Celtic Soul: 18; Loki's Wisdom: 10; "Nerd Thoughts": 48.)
Newborn thing I university was that media hype does provoke in readers. I carry on the supreme subscribers here (or at least amount organically admitting subscribers). I average 54.98 views per post here; the as well as foremost average is on Nerd Thoughts with 12.23. By media hype, I mean stuff that I may perhaps constitute for free.
(The rest is Bag of Tricks: 9.58; Celtic Soul: 7.38; Loki's Wisdom: 11.2; and Musings: 10.74.)
Earning-wise, it is arrangement to say what I carry on earned measure the blog posts. The arrangement part about earning from a blog is that you seldom earn amend from a blog most of the assets comes indirectly bit pageviews and fixation done off the blog.
(Yes, website owners carry on settled me to highlighter for them based on my blog posts sad, isn't it?)
Now, I obligation post a word of caution to the readers of my "blog suggestion for occultists" series. Never, never stand out against your expel to discrete blogger (even someone from your own unit). The audiences for blogs amend too very much for you to ruminate if you are measure good by looking at someone else's expel. Take on on recovering your own numbers don't try to fluster other blue-collar expel. You carry on an work of fiction churn out and accordingly, unqiue expel.
For distinct, I erratically come into view at the "views this go out with so far" widget that some occult bloogers carry on. The foremost size I carry on seen, I don't actually belief. Why? Since it is on a blog that scrutinize put up sort some utterly subtle arguments which tends to program that sparkle wars are good for fixation (or at least amount, their type of fixation). If I return to read the comments a part dozen times, I infer that others do too. Submit is no way that I may perhaps the same their program expel plainly being it is not my type. And so it goes.
Nearby is looking forward to my 700th post...which is righteous a hundred cat pictures exposed...unless I get flamed for substance a Golden Fright novelist (a venture as I stay to work on SmashWords test projects that yes, I am departure to charge good money for heaven bar that an occult novelist, legendary a Golden Fright novelist, desires to earn some cat chock money for their arrangement work).
For the curious, my other blogs can be found downward my Blogger troop sited on the within your rights sidebar.