At the same time as someone asks me about 'Witchcraft' the is the foundational plea I ask them is "At the same time as you say 'Witchcraft' what do you mean?"The following facts assemble all, at one time or singular, been labeled or labeled themselves Witches. The stalwart headings are what *you* weight mean behind you say Witch.:Ceremonial Magicians:Practitioners of burial with a strong focus on sums, geometry, 'laws' about the way the world works and languages. *Most* Ceremonial magic is entrenched in one of three languages:Hebrew, Latin or Greek. Strong magic, Kabbalah, Enochian Air of mystery, etc. Record Ceremonial magic, with the release of the first Strong perceptible, is monotheistic, and Abrahamic, referring to the god of Christianity or Judaism.Cunningfolk/Pellars:Conventional British folk magic. Far-off of the permanent writings of and about such the upper crust make it coherent that they are *Christian* practitioners of sloppy magic, lay the upper crust (the upper crust who are not priests) who imply to healing disaster by applying charms based upon the Bible and driving outer evil spirits or demons. These the upper crust had charms that they expected brought luck, love and money, and were extremely professional healers, recurrently with training in array bones or delivering little. The obvious demur I find it offensive to send for this practice witchcraft is that one of the obvious "jobs" of a pellar was to make happen out "witches" (practitioners of evil magic) or find where one was at work. Often, the "spell" was a bit of vestigial Catholicism ( a rosary, a latin prayer) in a Protestant maintain.DiabolistsDevelopment who lionize the adversary (the staple or notion antagonistic to the dominant god of their culture) with Diabolists, Satanists (theistic and non-theistic,) Thugee, Baccants, etc.Diviners, oracles and sibylsDevelopment who contract the afar, strain or faint, or mix questions, based on divine information, reading tea leaves, tarot cards, etc. or by open associations with a god.Evil Magicians of one demand or singularCunningfolk, Hexen, Sangoma, Shamans and the while assemble historically waged wars opposed to the upper crust who are their opposites, spiritually. These the upper crust are routinely called 'witches' in English translations of their beliefs.Hexen/Hexenmeisters:German, and in the same way as Pennsylvania Dutch, folk magic. Reasonable as with the Cunningfolk, a tradition of *Christian* folk magic. Hexen can speak to correspondingly to a "good witch"or "bad witch" but the good is routinely unspoken. Reasonable as with the Cunningfolk, the Hexen are at smooth skirmish with one singular, with the good Hexen using charms and incantations to give serious quarrel opposed to the bad Hexen. Reasonable as in the charge of cunningfolk, it's routinely interrupt to not use the stipulation witch, to the same degree the hexen's job was to struggle out witches (Evil magic doers) and chance them with spells. Over, recurrently, the "spell" was a bit of Catholicism ( a rosary, a latin prayer) in a Protestant maintain.Human-shaped monsters or demons:The Squandering Witch of the West (interrupt described as a MalHexen), Hagatha from Bugs Bunny.Priests and Priestesses of African and African Diaspora Syncretic religionsMostly followers of Vodun, Santeria, Candombl'e,Vodou, etc. They don't use the stipulation for themselves, so I don't use it for them.Psychics/Psions/Teeks/Espers, etc.Development who imply to assemble exceptional mental powers, with but not limited to telekinesis, reading minds, stool pigeon the afar, etc. Overall the word "witch" is hand-me-down concerning in remark to the verb "to witch." For example: Jake witched the wisecracker to make them trait wind eyes.A subspecies of worldly with special powers.Sabrina the Young Witch, Samantha Stevens and female wizards in Harry Potter.Sangoma and Inyanga zulu culture.phpSangoma are Zulu keep pace with to the Cunningfolk. Often called "witch doctors" by English Speakers. Reasonable as with Hexen and Cunningfolk, one of their jobs is to fix the "evil witchcraft" they fray. Inyanga do so straightforward herbal medicines.Shamans, Conduct MenConventional folk magic practitioners correlated with particular cultures. Two obvious requirements: Hub of that culture and act that culture's objects of their pracitioners.Traditional personA "traditionalist" or "traditional Witch" is recurrently, but not always, a Wiccan who is frustrated with the fact that Wicca is in the region of 70 soul old and has not tainted their practices at all set aside to say their beliefs are "hundreds of soul elder than Wicca." Abundant of them extremely non-centrally lambaste Wicca with a impractical and naive view of Wiccan beliefs. Quite a lot of of the crucial of the lot try to accurate they are "the real Wiccans" and Wiccans are no matter which also. The slow ones are chiefly cunningfolk, and wouldn't use the word witch if they had a conduct.WiccanA connect of a religion that focuses on open associations with the gods. It came to be at some spin amongst 1930 and 1945. Which proper engagement depends on who you ask.....And about ten other definitions.I do not use the word Witch for any of the condescending, and as far as what I can teach, it's the foundational and the previous, condescending....and I'm not teaching either now.