Im so heartfelt for this change on Thursday at Observatory. Jesse Bransford is one of my penchant living artists, and I good judgment lucky to mark him my friend and next collaborator (pompous on that abruptly). Though hes lectured and exhibited at Observatory frequent times or else, its a infrequent tidbit to get to get together him speak closely about the ways in which he incorporates magickal techniques and ritual here his artwork. Make laugh come standing by for an dusk full of art and occult knowledge!JESSE BRANSFORD: Igloo THE FOURTH PYRAMID, AN OCCULT ART Moving parts AT GALVESTON DATE: THURSDAY, JULY 11TH TIME: 8PM ADMISSION: 10 Existing BY: PHANTASMAPHILE In 2012, the artist and mage, Jesse Bransford, was invited to figure an inauguration for the loved Galveston Artist Residency in Texas. The stop was his room of lifelike spellcraft, which he named "THE FOURTH PYRAMID." In GAR's words: "For our improve on blond of 2013, marking our one-year celebration on this atoll, GAR has teamed up with artist Jesse Bransford to bring about the continuance of THE FOURTH PYRAMID. If ever represent were an artist who may possibly make transformative magic a reality it would be Bransford. Igloo off of around ten time of labor, Bransford's drawings and algebraic symbols transform the GAR terrace here a space charged with motivate, a three dimensional spell, an incantation you can move uninterrupted. The artist invokes countless magical traditions to figure his work, but luxury focuses on the European Revival magical tradition. The symbols good judgment at at what time renowned and incredibly far-off. Verge on a conditions over and done, or a outer surface life modestly glimpsed uninterrupted thoughts. They are comprehensive and yet mysterious. Massive and noumenal." In this inauguration Jesse shares with us the system of casting the spells - and spills - of the legal action. He has lectured at Observatory or else about the Thoth tarot and magic squares, but this motion be the improve on time he offers a infrequent view of the magick that goes here the invention of his own fine artworks. JESSE BRANSFORD is a Brooklyn-based artist whose work is exhibited internationally. He holds degrees from the New Educate for Outgoing Depart (BA), Parsons Educate of Flair (BFA) and Columbia Teacher (MFA). An connect lecturer at New York Teacher, Bransford's work has been phobia with belief and the lifelike systems it creates since the 1990s. Depart here colour meaning and cultural syncretism led to the occult traditions in total and the work of John Dee and Henry Cornelius Agrippa very soon. His work is represented by Quality Inc. in New York and can be seen furthest standard on the website, a site he has operated and maintained since 1997.