Appearing in are some astrological signs, dates, angels, planets, elements, stones, flowers/herbs, colors, and days of the week that I would consider to exchange a few words with you all. These correspondences like still worked for me.ARIES Show off 21 - April 19, Samuel, Mars, Film, Cranberry, Dark red, Bloodstone, Oblong, Thistle, Crazy Rose, Grose Red, adequate colors, Tuesday TAURUS April 20 - May 21, Anael, Venus, Terracotta, Cobalt, Lime, Fresh, Opal, Mauve, Crazy, Red Roses, Coltsfoot Blues, Greens, Friday GEMINI May 22 - June 20, Raphael, Mercury, Air, Oblong, Fresh, Topaz, Aquamarine, Thyme, Dill, Snapdragons, Iris, Colorless, Spr. Inexperienced person, White, Fair, Wednesday Corruption June 21 - July 22, Gabriel, Moon, Sea Lime, Cat's Eye, Prize, Moonstone, Poppy, Sea Lily, Colorless Rose, Moonwort, White Mauve, White, Prize, Colorless, Monday LEO July 23 - Revered 22, Michael, Sun, Film, Amber, Topaz, Cranberry, Oblong, Marigold, Sunflower, Hops, Cowslip Gold bars, Red, Fair, Orangey, Sunday VIRGO Revered 23 - Sept 22, Raphael, Mercury, Terracotta, Oblong, Fresh, Jasper, Aquamarine, Aromatic plant, Cornflower, Valerian, Imperceptible Mauve, Gold bars, Peach, Wednesday LIBRA Sept 23 - Oct 22, Anael, Venus, Air, Opal, Lapis Lazuli, Lime, Fresh, Mauve, Colorless Rose, Love-in-the- Film, Navy Mauve, Regal Mauve, Lilac, Friday SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 21, Samuel, Azrael, Mars, Pluto, Sea,, Cranberry, Dark red, Bloodstone, Topaz, Rosemary, Heather, Chrysanthemum, Blue Red, Tan, Black, Ancient, Tuesday SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 - Dec 21, Sachiel, Jupiter, Film, Cobalt, Lilac, Oblong, Carnation, Wallflower, Clove undercooked, Religious teacher, Lilac, Pale purple, Beside yourself, Lilac, Thursday CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 19 Cassiel, Saturn, Terracotta, Onyx, Obsidian, Jet, Dark red, Nightshade, Snowdrop, Rue, Black, Grey, Mauve, Dk Tan, Saturday AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18, Uriel, Cassiel, Saturn, Uranus, Air, Zircon, Amber, Lilac, Dark red, Snowdrop, Foxglove, Gr. Valerian, All Typical, Saturday PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20 Sachiel, Asariel, Jupiter, Neptune, Sea, Cobalt, Lilac, Coral, Mauve, Carnation, Opium, Poppy, Beside yourself, Mauve, Sea Inexperienced person, ThursdayCorrespondences Elementals and Common AssociationsThe Elementals: TypicalTerracotta - Tan, Inexperienced person, BlackAir - Colorless, Fair, Red, Pastels, Bluish-purpleFilm - Red, Crimson, Orangey, Fuchsia, Leave behindSea - Mauve, Turquoise, Aqua, Ancient, Cobalt Colors: Properties, Day of the Week, Astrological IntuitionRed - Wish, energy, love, health, strength; Tuesday; TaurusOrangey - Creativity, Attraction; LeoFair - Understanding, Charm; Sunday; GeminiMauve - Include, organize, tranquility; Thursday; Pisces Friday; CorruptionBeside yourself - Concentration, spirituality, psychic power, enchantment; Thursday; AquariusRed - Be mad about, Retain, AffiliationBlack - Banishing, Crone Magick, loss, mourning; Saturday; ScorpioColorless - Appropriateness, juiciness, protection, spirituality; Monday; AriesTan - Pester opinion of the earth, animal magick; CapricornGold bars - God; VirgoWhite - Goddess; Sagittarius Crystals, Stones: Complain, UsesCharm - Amber, Cat's Eye, Jasper, Opal, ZirconFortitude - Agate, Lilac, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Oblong, Tiger's EyePrediction - Lilac, Azurite, Flint, Hematite, Jet, Moonstone, Sodalite ObsidianDreams - Lilac, Charoite, Fluorite, Hematite, SugiliteMystery - Lilac, Fluorite, SugiliteAffiliation - Chrysoprase, Red Tourmaline, TurquoiseGod - Citrine, Malachite, SunstoneDivinity - Chrysocolla, MoonstoneGrounding - Hematite, Jet, Kunzite, Obsidian, Salty, Tourmaline (Black)Beneficial - Agate, Amber, Aventurine, Calcite, Acute Quartz, Coral, Dark red, Fresh, MalachiteLongevity - Agate, Fossils, Fresh, Petrified Made of woodBe mad about - Alexandrite, Amber, Chrysocolla, Lime, Lepidolite, Prize, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Tourmaline (Red)Magickal Firmness - Bloodstone, Fluorite, Malachite, Cranberry Consideration - Geodes, Cobalt, SodaliteEmotional Post - Aventurine, Lime, ZirconDirective - Aquamarine, Lepidolite, Rhodonite, Tourmaline (Mauve)Blatant Country - Beryl, Citrine, Selenite, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Zircon (Red)Prosperity - Aventurine, Calcite, Lime, Fresh, Malachite, Peridot, Staurolite, Tourmaline (Inexperienced person)Include - Agate, Apache Hurry, Calcite, Hematite, Lapis, Mica, Obsidian, Topaz, Quartz (Acute)Religion - Lilac, Lapis, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Sugilite The Elementals: Crystals, PerseveranceTerracotta - Agate, Jet, Malachite, Obsidian, SaltyAir - Aventurine, Lepidolite, Mica, Quartz (Acute)Film - Beryl, Citrine, Hematite, Jasper, Pipestone, CranberrySea - Lilac, Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Coral, Moonstone, Prize, Quartz (Rose) Seasons: Crystals, PerseveranceJump - LimeSummer - CranberryAutumn - CobaltIndifferent - OblongFirmness Clay Talismans:Lilac - Concentration, enhances desireAventurine - Skill, enhances prosperityBlack Onyx - Violence, enhances wantAcute Quartz - Beneficial, transforms energyInexperienced person Fresh - Mound, enhances reassure & ornamentHematite - Understanding, enhances individualismLapis Lazuli - Concern, enhances sixth basisMalachite - Revolution, confers routeRed Jasper - Articulateness, halfway point your goalsRhodonite - Factual Be mad about, balances yin & yangRose Quartz - Be mad about, opens the originReticulated Quartz - Give somebody a ride, enhances sexualityTiger's Eye - Creativity, inspires imaginationSnowflake Obsidian - Tolerance, enhances opinionAstrological Clay Associations:Capricorn - Onyx, Quartz, Jet, Dark red, Obsidian, Beryl, Black & Colorless Gold bars, WhiteAquarius - Mauve Cobalt, Lapis, Aquamarine, Lilac, All metalsPisces - Oblong, Fresh, Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Lilac, Turquoise (mushy indigo & light down in the dumps), WhiteAries - Cranberry, Red Jasper, Carnelian, Coral, Oblong, Red-Orange Gold bars, IconTaurus - Lime, Agate, Lapis, Azurite, Topaz, White, Gold bars, CopperGemini - Rock, Beryl, Alexandrite, Aquamarine, Prize, Gold bars, WhiteCorruption - Cranberry, Prize, Moonstone, Inexperienced person Turquoise, WhiteLeo - Amber, Peridot, Cranberry, Jacinth, Sardonyx, Gold barsVirgo - Red Jasper, Cobalt, Azurite, Rhodochrosite, Brave woman Cobalt, Gold barsLibra - Opal, Film Agate, Agate, Tourmaline, All MetalsScorpio - Topaz, Dark red, Coral, Cranberry, Zircon, Gold bars, WhiteSagittarius - Lilac, Zircon, Malachite, Blue-Green Turquoise, Copper, Gold bars Weekday Clay Associations:Sunday - Topaz, SunstoneMonday - Prize, Limestone Quartz, MoonstoneTuesday - Cranberry, Lime, Brave woman CobaltWednesday - Lilac, Lodestone, Brave woman CranberryThursday - Cobalt, Carnelian, Tiger's EyeFriday - Lime, Tiger's Eye, AlexandriteSaturday - Turquoise, Oblong, LabradoriteSABBAT CANDLE COLOURS: Samhain: Black, yellowYule: Red, green & whiteCandlemas: Red, undercooked & shadowy.Jump Equinox: Inexperienced person, yellowish-brown & goldBeltaine: Blue greenSummer Solstice: Inexperienced person, down in the dumpsLammas: Fair, yellowAutumn Equinox: Orangey, shadowy & yellowish-brown ASTROLOGICAL CANDLE COLOURS: Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Flimsy Mauve or White FairPisces (February 19 - Show off 20): AquamarineAries (Show off 21 - April 19): RedTaurus (April 20 - May 20): Inexperienced personGemini (May 21 - June 21): Fair or OrangeyCorruption (June 22 - July 22): Colorless or Blue Inexperienced personLeo (July 23 - Revered 22): Gold bars or FairVirgo (Revered 23 - September 22): Ancient or LinedLibra (September 23 - October 22): Regal Mauve Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Black or RedSagittarius (Nov. 22 - December 21): Blue Mauve or Beside yourselfCapricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) : Black or Blue Tan DAY OF THE WEEK CANDLE COLOURS: Sunday: FairMonday: ColorlessTuesday: RedWednesday: Beside yourselfThursday: MauveFriday: Inexperienced personSaturday: Black