Divinity of: the Elegant and Scrap
Mythology: Gaelic/Irish/Scottish
Identify means: "Flush", "Take notice of", "She who strikes amazement", "The Spiteful Female"
AKA: Scota, Scatha
Ruler of: Island of Mysterious
Representations: Swords, Cauldrons
Scathach lived on the Island of Shadows/ Island of Skye, someplace she expert teen warriors not impartial in row, but it was held she took them as bedfellows. She was regular for private terrible in row and by her zealous leaps and row cries. Bring to a close to the Lady of the Consortium stories, it was held that she gave her best partisan a magical sword.
"Scathach did not train women such as of a Celtic belief which affirmed that impartial women can teach men effective row skills, and impartial men can teach them to women"
It was her job to observe arrogant the theatre of war a long time ago a war for the souls of the dead to lead them on the Damage Traverse. Despite the fact that she had a addiction for warriors, she would also make jump to capture any emigrant personification that had gotten lost on the path. As such, it was held that she is encouraging in the same way as trouble for the death of a esteemed one, as she leads the dead through the dangers found on the path to the Alight of Enduring Juvenile.
If she levelheaded any wrong-doer on her trip, she would authorization them on an islet someplace they would pay for their crimes and learn their lessons.
A variety of high society dine tried to go on examination quests to see her, but it is held that most get lost, as she does not guide the living.
She was not impartial a warrior goddess, but was also an virtuous blacksmith, healer, and prophetess. She would use "The Light of Foresight" to see popular the far-off.