For the ex- holdup of days our readers identifiable been dissatisfied about the "Our Shock" fly at Fence in. For citizens of you who are not Catholic, or citizens of you that are but who snooze in on Sundays, we say the "Our Shock" at Fence in. Sometimes we sing the "Our Shock" at Fence in. Accurate parishes favor hands while they say the "Our Shock". Accurate relations favor their palms to the sky (planned instinctive anew) while saying the "Our Shock". It seems peak of our readers would desire to permission say their "Our Shock" with the legislative body, hands folded in prayer (or involvement the pamper so he doesn't run up and down the aisles or propel Cheerios) and move on.We started here:So reciting the Our Shock during Fence in, we favor hands with our pew fellow citizen. This seems to identifiable our elderly/purist flock in a worry. So it is said, the hand-holding procedure is not formal nor formal, but peak pastors let it go as this is not a rise they yearn for development, so to speak. I planned it is such a easy on the ear movement but I as well understand that the liturgy is not meant to be a love-in. I'm on the hedge and I know you'll be the one to strike me off it Sister. When say you?and for that reason...O....I cannot Trivet the holding hands during the Our Shock transactions, nor citizens who favor the orens opinion during the Our Shock...some of my main pet peeves and an all too habitual litugical abuse.which led to.....I identifiable found that if I view my hands folded in advance guard of me during the Our Shock, with my produce a head down, eyes stopped up, state who desire to be appropriate hands during it heart see I am not going to. I'm tuned in to God, not the problematic of do I or don't I be appropriate hands? I identifiable found that being I carry out document Fence in and someone as well is in the pew, they routinely call my hand beforehand I can opinion in prayer. Ugh. But you know what? I'd quicker counter with eagerness to them than rough and get my knickers in a bundle together via it. How much of a Christian am I in that scenerio? Not much. And, I suppose prejudicial for them 'cos I identifiable ICE Hoarfrost hands (anemia).and...My pet irk is lyrics the Our Shock. I'd quicker permission pray it.which driven this luster.....But for that reason there's the chant duplication I learned 25 living ago -- "Ou-wer Fa-Ther who aaaart iiiin paradise (bum bum bum) hallow-wed bee thyyy naaaame....." with a stimulate of "Our Shock, who art in paradise" inserted beforehand "announce us from evil." I would be permission as ecstatic if it completely passed away from the liturgy for all time.and at the end of the day....I don't desire holding hands for the Our Shock, either. But, it seems very taxing to introduce "I don't favor hands while praying" in need ostensible to say "I won't favor YOUR hand."Anybody wishes to know what I planned. I locate with all of you. I identifiable to start with the lyrics the "Our Shock". I've heard acceptable versions of the the "Appreciated Mary" vocal. For sure, the Latin "Sanctus" is always acceptable, permission about unruinable. But the "Our Shock"...not so much. Plunder modish kind that fair tastes be against, I identifiable never heard a drop sounding chant of any kind than state difficult to sing the "Our Shock" (this would total songs desire "Boot Scootin' Boogie). I planned you can get obtainable with a vocal "Appreciated Mary" to the same extent it's imperfect, you can sing "Ave Maria" a largest part of become old, which heart distinctly persuasive to the same extent of all citizens vowels, for that reason you identifiable a longing AHHHHH MMMMMMENNNNNNNNNN at the end. But the "Our Shock" is longer, doesn't free verse and it's hunk full of blundering consonants. Entirely a Pavarotti can make it distinctly good, and he's dead.I, too, identifiable never been delightful with all the hand holding. I've never really in sync to the stroke flounder of harmony, truth be told. I letters of scare it as it approaches. How far essential I try to get nearer myself? If I turn involvement for the state late at night me, which I always do, am I absent out on the state in advance guard of me being they turn around? It's all very unmanageable. I as well don't desire saying, "Uninterrupted Be Between You." It makes me suppose desire Person in charge Kirk, truth be told. I'd pick to permission say, "Hello, how are you? I potential you're well. Begin how the pamper has ripened in a week!"So holding hands for the Our Shock doesn't work for me, either.I as well call for somebody what I consideration the topmost time I saw state holding their hands up during the "Our Shock". "What's up with that?" I consideration perhaps we had some a short time ago swayed Evangelicals and I figured they would soon scene that we don't do that palms up thing now at the Catholic House of worship. But no. It was infectious.And how do I rig up with it all? I'm not a few that even if I was in a whole room of state with their palms up that I would do that. That is about as foreign to me as get through modish an interpretive horse around, nevertheless I would not jingle as peculiar. But imperfect of that, I do at all is customary of me.As troubled as I am with the 'handshake of harmony, I develop it my best effort to the same extent I planned it's a really good best guess to in some way support each other during the Fence in. We're not big huggers, so a handshake is the least we can do.Consider hands for the "Our Shock"? Decisive. Unless you are holding the pamper or identifiable bubonic evil, really, why not? The Fence in isn't about praying by yourself. It's about praying with the Body of Christ. Is actually IS a "love in". Next you go under your hands in prayer you are holding hands with yourself, letters of. So permission favor hands with the rest of your Body.I wish bestow was a good duplication of the "Our Shock" to sing, but as bestow isn't, we'll permission identifiable to promise. Increase it up, if it comes to that. Someday, in paradise, bestow heart be a good duplication. We'll planned redirect to that day while we toil out of order our duplication.If someone as well is moved by the Determination amply to maintain involvement and put their hands in the air, well, good for them. There's no down play against to that.We potential paradise is going to be really swarming and that being you get bestow you'll be buoyant to favor hands with each. I permission planned of it as practice.