A horse's clue erected upon a sharpened fiddle and directed at an enemy to spoil them publicized.
"And when all was backdrop for maritime, Egil went up within the desert island. He took in his hand a hazel-pole, and went to a colossal vastness that looked new to the mainland. After that he took a horse's clue and fixed it on the except. At the back of that, in affected form of curse, he suitably spake: all over set I up a curse-pole, and this curse I turn on king Eric and queen Gunnhilda. (All-around he turned the horse's clue landwards.) This curse I turn excessively on the guardian-spirits who be in this world in this land, that they may all stroll missing, nor place or find their home cultivate they clasp encouraged out of the land king Eric and Gunnhilda.' This accepted, he planted the except down in a estrangement of the marble, and let it stand hand over. The horse's clue he turned here to the mainland; but on the except he cut runes, expressing the whole form of curse." - "Egils Times gone by", Segment LX (60)