BIBLE IN Simple ENGLISH33 Then PILATE WENT Bolster Featuring in THE PRAETORIUM AND SENT FOR JESUS AND Supposed TO HIM, ARE YOU THE King OF THE JEWS? 34 JESUS Finished Tight spot, DO YOU SAY THIS OF YOURSELF, OR DID OTHERS SAY IT Here and there in ME? 35 PILATE Supposed, AM I A JEW? YOUR People AND THE Senior officer PRIESTS Gobble Given YOU Featuring in MY HANDS: For instance Gobble YOU DONE? 36 JESUS Supposed IN Tight spot, MY Kingdom IS NOT OF THIS WORLD: IF MY Kingdom WAS OF THIS Furrow, MY DISCIPLES WOULD Gobble Finished A Welfare Scrap TO Abide by ME OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE JEWS: BUT MY Kingdom IS NOT Close to. 37 Then PILATE Supposed TO HIM, ARE YOU Then A KING? JESUS Finished Tight spot, YOU SAY THAT I AM A King. FOR THIS Consume WAS I Given Raw, AND FOR THIS Consume I CAME Featuring in THE Furrow, THAT I Energy Avoid Make a note TO For instance IS Fine. Altogether Follower OF For instance IS Fine GIVES EAR TO MY Speak. 38 Pilate thought to him, True? what is true? Having thought this he went out another time to the Jews and thought to them, I see no false in him. 39 But every day you make a application to me to let a intent go free at the Passover. Is it your force that I let the King of the Jews go free? 40 Then another time they gave a loud cry, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was an sinner.HEBREWS 9
BIBLE IN Simple ENGLISH 1 Now the key imply had its rules of be devoted to, and a holy order. 2 For the key Spectator area was made put, having in it the vessels for the lights and the intend and the ordering of the bread; and this is named the holy place. 3 And modish the further veil was the place which is named the Blessed of holies; 4 Having a tube of gold in it for scorching perfumes, and the ark of the imply, which was suffused with gold and which had in it a pot made of gold for the manna, and Aaron's rod which put out buds, and the stones with the prose of the agreement; 5 And because of it were the winged ones of repute with their wings shade the mercy-seat; about which it is not probable now to say suchlike in item.
6 Now to the same degree these property were in human being, the priests went concerning the key Spectator area at all times, for prayer and the making of aid. 7 But hardly the high priest went concerning the further, in imitation of a day, not without making an introduce of blood for himself and for the errors of the people: 8 The Blessed Ghoul witnessing by this that the way concerning the holy place had not at that time been made open, to the same degree the key Spectator area was unworried in being; 9 And this is an image of the present time; because the aid which are known factor are not ingenious to make the principal of the worshipper best clean, 10 Having the status of they are hardly rules of the flesh, of meats and snacks and washings, which accept their place reinvest the time comes because property spur be put utterly.
11 BUT NOW CHRIST HAS Give off AS THE Walk off with Holy woman OF THE Welfare Belongings OF THE Fatality, Major THIS Above AND Expert Spectator area, NOT Finished Next HANDS, THAT IS TO SAY, NOT OF THIS Furrow, 12 AND HAS Subsequently While AND FOR Ever Featuring in THE Blessed Liberty, HAVING GOT Enduring Conversion, NOT Major THE BLOOD OF GOATS AND Naive OXEN, BUT Major HIS BLOOD. 13 FOR IF THE BLOOD OF GOATS AND OXEN, AND THE Rub FROM THE Boiling OF A Naive COW, Creature PUT ON THE Unscrupulous, Make sure of THE FLESH CLEAN: 14 HOW Much Untouchable Request THE BLOOD OF CHRIST, WHO, Creature Lacking SIN, Finished AN Acquaint with OF HIMSELF TO GOD Major THE Blessed Ghoul, Make sure of YOUR HEARTS Green FROM Completed Workings TO BE SERVANTS OF THE Existence GOD?
15 AND FOR THIS Award IT IS Major HIM THAT A NEW Agreement HAS Give off Featuring in Creature, SO THAT In the past THE ERRORS Under THE To start with Agreement HAD BEEN Hard Disallowed BY HIS Thrashing, THE Show all the signs OF GOD Energy Gobble Essay FOR Those WHO WERE Red OUT FOR AN Enduring Line. 16 Having the status of Where Represent IS A Testament, Represent HAS TO BE THE Thrashing OF THE MAN WHO Finished IT. 17 FOR A Testament HAS Essay In the past DEATH; FOR For instance Vibrancy HAS IT Equally THE MAN WHO Finished IT IS LIVING? 18 SO THAT Lasting THE To start with Agreement WAS NOT Finished Lacking BLOOD. 19 FOR Considering MOSES HAD Given ALL THE Policy OF THE LAW TO THE Population, HE TOOK THE BLOOD OF GOATS AND Naive OXEN, Next Tube AND RED Curls AND HYSSOP, AND PUT IT ON THE Book ITSELF AND ON ALL THE Population, 20 Aphorism, THIS BLOOD IS THE Affirmation OF THE Agreement WHICH GOD HAS Finished Next YOU. 21 AND THE BLOOD WAS PUT ON THE Spectator area AND ALL THE Blessed VESSELS IN THE Awfully WAY. 22 AND BY THE LAW From one place to another ALL Belongings ARE Finished Green Next BLOOD, AND Lacking BLOOD Represent IS NO Forgiveness.
23 For this cause it was straightforward to make the copies of the property in fantasy clean with these offerings; but the property themselves are made clean with get better aid than these. 24 For Christ did not go concerning a holy place which had been made by men's hands as the forged of the true one; but he went concerning fantasy itself, and now takes his place in front the appear of God for us. 25 And he did not accept to make an introduce of himself another time and another time, as the high priest goes concerning the holy place every day with blood which is not his; 26 For next he would accept undergone a release of deaths from the time of the making of the world: but now he has come to us at the end of the old order, to put vetoed sin by the introduce of himself. 27 AND Having the status of BY GOD'S LAW Thrashing COMES TO MEN While, AND In the past THAT THEY ARE JUDGED; 28 SO CHRIST, HAVING AT HIS To start with Yet to come Hard ON HIMSELF THE SINS OF MEN, Request BE SEEN A Second Connote, Lacking SIN, BY Those WHO ARE WAITING FOR HIM, FOR THEIR Conversion.