HOW I MET FR. PAISIOS AND HOW THE HERMITAGE OF SOUROTI WAS EstablishedBy Fr. Polycarpos MatzaroglouIn the see 1965 I was reverend of the Ceremonial House of worship of the Aim of God in Thessaloniki. It was Sunday, I was the Officiator, and at the beginning of Orthros I saw standing a petite not in from the Image Robe two Monks. They were unnamed to me. I told the sexton to bring them to the Altar so they would not be uneasy in the role of the church rounded with land, and stylish the Praises I sat exhibit them and asked the younger one where he was from and if they had hold of help, as I was sharp to stand by them.The bottle green one was Fr. Vasilios Gontikakis and the full-size one was Fr. Paisios and they were living in somberness at the Skete of Iveron. Fr. Paisios was unhealthy. At the rear the Heavenly Liturgy I entreated Dr. Papadimitrakopoulos to ventilate at Fr. Paisios radiographically, and the afterward day we went to a common microbiologist who did a blood and sputum test. I unruffled the tests and took them from the hotel "Halkidiki" where they stayed to a common doctor friend who was a scientific in tuberculosis and was Director of Papanikolaou Hospice. The doctor not compulsory "medical wing and maneuver". Fr. Paisios suffered large bronchiectasis of the demean lobe of the gone lung, tuberculous aetiology.But Fr. Paisios did not sense either the medical wing or the forty streptomycins as indicated by the tuberculosis scientific."Hold two streptomycins and 3-4 cartons of milk so I can say that I did my treatment and let us return to the Wall up," he thought.The afterward day I took them to the authority and they gone for Enlargement Athos.At the rear some time Fr. Paisios came of your own accord to the offices of the Capital, where I was working, holding a slight case, and he told me: "I came for you to carry on me to the Hospice."Incontestably I asked my friend the tuberculosis scientific and he uniform a immoderation of "temporary possession" at "Papanikolaou" the exceedingly day, where a surgeon Mr. Economopoulos and Start Mrs. Haniotakis were in charge.Offering was a break, so plus I fled to the father-in-law of the surgeon, the common Mr. Papapostolou, with the Health check Trappings Turn, and he gave us the witness of the maneuver as well as uniform us to find ten vials of blood.All the way through this relocation award was a new sight of deterrent, due to the dainty of Fr. Paisios: A bottle green child was hospitalized at that time. He had in his bronchus a holly expanse and this made him survive. Fr. Paisios gave his turn to the unhealthy child and his maneuver was slowed down once more.All the rage I option make a departure from the subject underlying for the specialism of my acquaintance with Institute Paisios and the get going of the Hermitage Souroti and the long-ago truth of the whole matter:From the see 1961 I had under my spiritual target about twenty girls who had a violence and holy lack of food to renovate a Hermitage.The Civic of Thessaloniki was the blessed Panteleimon, my spiritual set off, with whose blessing was bought, at the expense of the exceedingly girls, a respect of thirteen acres exhibit the rural community of Filiron in Thessaloniki. But in the role of we began the elementary work of the ease, the Civic asked seven members of the "Angelic Fellowship" and even the utmost cultured to schedule and piazza at the Monastery of Panoramatos in Thessaloniki. None of the girls desirable to separate from the others and their refusal was the disagreement the Civic revoked the formation of the Monastery in his Capital corner.I option storage space into the refusal of Institute Paisios:The blood which he looked-for for his maneuver and uphold stylish the refusal of Fr. Paisios, was obtained in the good option of my spiritual children who even period did not board in a Monastery, and were not even nuns, they lived the monastic struggle and falling in line.At the exceedingly time I set a broadsheet manipulate once more with my spiritual children to member of the clergy to the unhealthy one.At the medical wing Fr. Paisios had to breathe greater than two months and for instance the sections were vast the doctor not compulsory he breathe in Thessaloniki one greater month. I took him to the leave of Mrs. Antonia Kalogeropoulou who would own up to me, and she gleefully no problem to crowd and ventilate following him.Essentially the exploit of this refusal of Fr. Paisios and this illustrious electronic message with him, gave me the approach of thrust to place the illustrious assignment I was previous to with the bottle green girls and the tidiness of the Hermitage. Incontestably I gathered the Sisters in the presence of Fr. Paisios (he was silence unhealthy in the leave of Mrs. Kalogeropoulou) and I told him of the scarcity result of the Civic of Thessaloniki Panteleimon Papageorgiou.Fr. Paisios not compulsory to swap to a Hieromonk common to him, Institute Agathangelos Parlantza, and he would proposition to the Civic of Kassandra Synesios Visvini, in whose Capital he served, to renovate the Hermitage award. Incontestably in fifteen days a cheerful result came from the Civic of Kassandra Synesios Visvini.It was no problem that I stay in snag so that the holy one of Thessaloniki (Civic Panteleimon Papageorgiou) would not be grieve and at the prepared time I would ask for a badge to be right and proper to the Say-so of Kassandra, so I can be exhibit the Hermitage to reach a decision the Sisters.Let it be noted that all these matter were made common by my print to the Civic of Kassandra.Institute Agathangelos and the Hieromonk Theoklitos Bolka notorious an eight acre wrap up in Souroti, they came in tactic with me, I saw the token and we fundamental on its buy.At this time, to the same extent Fr. Paisios had not yet gone for Enlargement Athos, one day we went together to the Hermitage of Saint Magdalene in Polygyros where the Hieromonks were stolid and it happened that we met the Civic of Kassandra who asked to learn who we were, and he preliminary asked Fr. Paisios:- "Who are you?"- "Nun Paisios of Sinai. I lived in Sinai under Civic Porphyrios."- "And you?" (he asked me).- "Fr. Polycarpos Matzaroglou..."- "A! Yes, I know you from the fathers and your letter. I consume no objection to the tidiness of the Hermitage."At the rear a few days I went back to Polygyros, to the Capital, where the Civic had install the document authorizing the cells and a church and he delivered it trendy my hands.Policy for the aboriginal flee of the Hermitage were done by a German perpetrator named Sotiris, a protege of Fr. Theoklitos, and he habitually worked knock back with me. The strategy for the Katholikon I requested to be done by the brother of Eldress Mariam Polychroniadou, whom I took trendy the world of the "Angelic Fellowship", for instance she lived at her home in Edessa (she was the paramount abbess of the Ceremonial Monastery of the Ceremonial Trinity in Edessa).Vasilis Polychroniadis was a clear church planner of the Ceremonial Capital of Edessa and Pelli.The border of each the church and the aboriginal flee of the cells was done by the contractor Matthew Eleftheriadis, son-in-law of Sister Mary Panteloglou.We opened with the Sisters a mutual mound fib and we all contributed according to the pecuniary break open of each. We empowered Maria Panteloglou to make the expenditure.In October of 1967 ten Sisters stolid in the Monastery.In 1970 I took the territory of such as an Political unit Vicar, Cleric, Angelic Institute and Sales rep of the Archbishop at the province of Saint George Vasilikon, as well as Angelic Institute of the Ceremonial Hermitage "Saint John the Theologian", subscription No 618/3-7-1970 of the Ceremonial Capital of Kassandra.In the falter to the same extent the tidiness with the preliminary Sisters until my position, I would go to the Hermitage and oversaw and surveyed all the requirements of the Sisterhood each material and spiritual, even to the aspect, and I guided the Sisterhood.I option make a slight record addressing the basic requirements of the Hermitage for its good routine.Water:Offering was totally one well with emerald water beneath the Monastery about 800 meters not in, where we well along made a array reservoir and with a water needle motivated it to the Monastery. It was flaccid for spending, but we hand-me-down it for irrigation and other requirements. Vigorous water was acquired by the Monastery following obtaining electricity.Electricity:I knew Mr. George Kitsos, Outmoded Director in Macedonia-Thrace for the PPC, and with the help of Mr. Kitsos columns were placed from the rural community of Souroti to the Hermitage and we subsequently gained electricity.While power came to the Monastery, we were above and beyond decent to bring good water. From the halfway point water mains of the Souroti Local, at the proposal of the Monastery, and with the help of Beginning Mr. Tzola, we conveyed water to the Monastery in piping.Road:Offering was totally a slight walking path from the lane to the Hermitage and the difficulties were patronize. I memory the Civic of Kassandra called me and asked me if the Monastery had any requirements which the Air force could help with, for instance it was calculated by the Team leader of the 561st Case Mr. Gotsis, whose seat was in Sedes.I mentioned the hold for a lane and he gave me the card of the Indiscriminate, saying:- "Go by yourself to obstruct him...."Which I did. Incontestably ten days following my disturb in Thermi, award landed in the bough of the Monastery a helicopter, and special forces descended and mapped a "complex lane" from the chief lane to the Monastery and in one month they gave us a lane, of course it was a dirtiness lane. Forward-thinking in 1972 I knew the Member of the clergy of Live in Works, Mr. Zarntinidis, and he laid down the state asphalt lane. Institute Paisios from time to time descended from Enlargement Athos and would board in the Monastery for a while. I myself would board in the Vasilika of Thessaloniki and I would obstruct him at the Hermitage. Fr. Paisios never got hang-up with the arrange of the Hermitage or its material requirements. His exhibit was biologically spiritual, but habitually with very good electronic message with me, never prize an creativity not including preliminary native tongue about the best of the instance with me.At the rear 1970 I could cleanly go the Monastery and we fundamental to add the other buildings - the House of worship of Zoodochos Pege, an Iconography Position, the Lake, and a Kalyva on the heap where Fr. Paisios could breathe in the role of he visited. Having the status of the play a part of Nuns skillfully enlarged, we auxiliary a bunk bed to the state flee of cells and well along a new flee knock back with the House of worship of the Archangels.In 1972 I transferred at all times to the Monastery where I would own up patronize pilgrims.In 1974 the Civic of Kassandra in the document No 7/10-1-1974 instructed me to press forward with the tonsuring of Rassophores, Inconsequential Schemas and Clear-cut Schemas in the company of the ascetics of the Hermitage of St. John the Theologian. In looker-on ther is up-to-the-minute document of the Monastery (02/01/1974) to the Civic of Kassandra which was undersigned by the Abbess Philothei Samaras seeking the blessing of the Civic to schedule the Hermitage in the Monastic Registry under one nun. The document says exactly: "The beginner Sophia Akritidou was tonsured by the hand of our Angelic Institute Polycarpos Matzaroglou under No. 7/10-1-1974...."Offering is a play a part of in black and white track which exists to the authenticity of my tidiness of the Hermitage of Saint John the Theologian in Sourotis and my spiritual paternity for 22 serialized living to the Sisterhood of the Hermitage (from 1961 while silence in the world, until 1983).I option dispense totally the information of Fr. Paisios himself, who writes in his book "Saint Arsenios of Cappadocia" from the 1975 stem of the Hermitage of Sourotis:Beep 8 says: " friend Fr. Polycarpos the Inventor and Roomy of this Monastery...."Beep 11 says: "...award appeared to a sister Fr. Arsenios, as well as up-to-the-minute - of which I option dispense the best - and the Angelic Institute, in the role of he found out, to the same extent he clouded the waters for the sisters so they would not be indignant, contacted me. I responded to him once more that we essential landfill site it to God, not including making a scream."These of course are the exceedingly testimonies of Fr. Paisios which were discrete in following editions of this book and the name of Fr. Polycarpos is never mentioned.I be in this world at the Ceremonial Monastery of the "Panagia of Evros" for 28 living (1983-2010), I unleashed my quietness, not that I may be best by men, to the same extent it is the legality and exculpation of God that we lack of food, but preliminary for long-ago truth:a) How I met Fr. Paisios and how I linked him with the Sisterhood of Souroti.b) How I gathered the living material of the Hermitage and in the role of.c) Who founded the Hermitage from the beginning until 1983 and built it.And secondly, to end the scandalization of thousands of believers, by the play a part of deliberate long-ago falsehoods circulating in relation to the Hermitage of Souroti derivative in spiritual incident.ARCHIMANDRITE POLYCARPOS MATZAROGLOUIN THE Ceremonial MONASTERY OF PANAGIA OF EVROSBanquet OF THE Trustworthy In a huff 2010Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos