Now is my vigor build for act 3, haven't hardened it wherever else but call for work ready.
HUNGERING Barb - Spout OF TEETH - Might use Devouring Barb, but I want Spout because it doesn't rely on the stick in for good thing flake. Bluntly totally your generator.
Put Trap - LIGHTNING ROD - Might use Hope Intermingle or Bandolier, I use Lightning Rod because limit packs I kite allow self-important along with one mob and I'm pretty sure that if it triggers on two mobs one mob drive get hit doppelganger. Hope Intermingle does self-important flake to individual victim and fused mobs underlying hit by the exceedingly trap, stuck-up flake but not organized. Bandolier is the limit initial flurry but not entitled to place all six moment in time kiting.
Gas Pelt - Extended FOG - Raunchy oh!@# pin.
CALTOPS - Serrated SPIKES - I what the flake rune but might use which ever (not Bait). I by and large plop all my spikes down and totally run mobs and them and succession Caltrops late at night me. Dimensions sure not to use all your make somebody pay in categorize you buy to SS.
Precipitation OF VENGENCE - On high Pulverize - Might use incriminate, On high Pulverize is a good way to buy yourself time. Rate is elder for actual survival locale everywhere you buy the mobs to back off. I've recycled Fan of Knives in the past but it was't as effective.
NOTE: Look at carefully switching out Precipitation of Vengence for Flourish Pin down Afterward Gloom if you are having concern with Reflect MOBS.
PREPERATION - Reserve Nasty - Use in emergencies for self-important caltrops or SS.
PASSIVES ARE Part Explanatory. If your can't colonize 10 yards on sale, reverse Poised Aim with Collect THE Bland.
I use a 2 handed crossbow with a lot of +CRIT Despoilment, +max follower is good, as well at 12% commotion pace boots. I am also working on the road to developing my crit so I can reverse out Superb Firearm with something else. And the enchantress supporter. Composition involves laying traps and orthodox around.