Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dismembered Dogs Occult Items Found In Pa Home

Dismembered Dogs Occult Items Found In Pa Home
COATESVILLE, Pa. - February 20, 2012 (WPVI) -- Two populace are in trust while police found higher than a lacking dozen dismembered dogs in vogue a Chester Section legislative body Monday night.

SPCA officers carried out belongings and boxes of evidence from a home in the 2400 restricted access of Wayne Groove in the municipal of Coatesville.

Officials say the picture in vogue was dark and disturbing with elements of witchcraft and the occult on positive show.

In the living room, investigators say they found two dog skulls and a dog remains that had been gold-leafed. They as well as walked hip the kitchen and found two dog skeletons on the return and a dog's chief in the freezer.

Enterprise say the picture was even higher mean in the role of they walked hip the home's patch.

They found dog rubbish charred in a fire pit and white meat parts hovering from a tree. Two stay alive chickens and new to the job dog chief were more to the point found in the back.

Officials say they found books on witchcraft and the occult, as well as marijuana, a gun, and diverse knives and machetes.

"We would portray this as impartial unreasonable. Past you go hip a living room and see gold-leafed skulls of dogs, a thorn of a dog, and go hip the freezer and see the chief of a dog, for starters, you know this isn't your common stratagem," Richard Britton of the Chester Section SPCA rumored.

The two populace subject hip trust pretense plentiful charges.

"Spine-chilling SEARCHER'S NOTE: Sounds higher be equal with Satanism, hoodoo, voodoo or Santeria - not Witchcraft, witches/wicca/witchcraft is not evil and would not harm natural world be equal with this."
