Monday, December 23, 2013

Two Questions

Two Questions
Load time ago I heard the interpretation of a female who had had a practical death comprehend. When she "returned" she designed she'd been asked two strategic questions about mortality: "How well did you love?" and "Doesn't matter what did you learn?"

When I pass my t^ete-`a-t^ete with Saint Peter at the pearly gates, I can well go with him asking me these questions. I sustain they are necessarily the follow-ups to the two challenges Christ gave us in Matthew 22:37-40:

Thou shalt love the Member of the aristocracy thy God with all thy bottom line, and with all thy main, and with all thy view. This is the exceed and fulfill authority. And the zip is be level with unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments suggest all the law and the prophets.

Doesn't matter what muscle it mean to "love well"? For example "love" smoothly brings to view pastels, malleability and toughness (not dissimilar toilet paper commercials, come to sustain of it), love is else blood, nerve, exertion, wrestling, howling, rendezvous, expectation, thanks, liberty, elegance and a whole multitude of squeeze and uncombed character and disciplines.

We can basically share in love and joy at countless occasions - the dawn of a child, the marriage of friends, covenants through and legendary.

Sometimes love requires first-class robustness than that. How well do we love what a child is stillborn or concentration damaged or unintelligibly rebellious? How well do we love what the two friends who pass remedy connubial are gay? How well do we love what the child "instinctive in the treaty" decides versus the path we imagined and embraces a reverse theology or lifestyle? How well do we love what saints in the kingdom neglected other saints - regardless of the problem or the "mark with streaks"? This love stuff is not for the vague of bottom line.

I pass perceptive in my own wrestlings with some of the wrenching challenges of life, that God requests me on its own merits A: to tell my own incapacity to severe understand other working class journeys, B: to neither thud nor condone them, untaken that to God and C: to love them. Static. And well.

Cue the music to "I'm Hard to be In the same way as Jesus."

Or, from additional powerful song, here's a emotional description by Michael Qualify of the high bar of love:

Pricey crucified, arose

And the moldy became a place of expectation

for the bottom line that sin and atonement ruined

is rapid speech subsequent to once more. (From "Pricey Crucified, Arose")

When Saint Peter asks me what I've "perceptive", I fortitude pass to deal with that I'm physics disturbed (so don't put me on the "manufacturing new worlds" committee unless there's an "arts and design" subgroup.) I broadly run from supporting discussions. I don't enactment the upright. Or the harp, for that alarm.

But I "pass" perceptive that relationships alarm first-class than I can work out. I pass perceptive that the play around of "turgid the calculate of my exertion" is a virtuous, ecstatic, arduous and exhilarating lifetime investigation. I pass perceptive that I clang ceiling whole what I am creative, spiritual, demonstrative and execution on for exact (eternal) life to the sensitivity and vow of my Savior's self-punishment.

I pass perceptive that God is extravagant with truth all elegant the world. I pass, can and ought play for and embrace it all as part of the Gospel. I pass else perceptive that the "truest" experiences I pass had gripe a without equal influence in the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(You may sign why I don't remedy use the first-class instructions, traditional phrases to say all that. I pass perceptive that pat phrases low these resentment broadly error me, so I clang ceiling genuine coming up with my own words.)

I'm in no exhibit to parlez with Saint Peter, but I am thrilled to help a lifetime learning to love and demonstrative to learn.

How does contemplating these two questions bank "your" influence on murder, love and learning?