Saturday, September 18, 2010

The 42 Negative Confessions

The 42 Negative Confessions

1. I presume not out-and-out sin.

2. I presume not out-and-out stoppage with anger.

3. I presume not stolen.

4. I presume not slain men or women

5. I presume not stolen leave.

6. I presume not swindled gifts.

7. I presume not stolen from God/Goddess.

8. I presume not told lies.

9. I presume not carried disallowed leave.

10. I presume not cursed.

11. I presume not stopped up my ears to truth

12. I presume not out-and-out faithlessness.

13. I presume not through anyone cry.

14. I presume not felt trouble without explanation

15. I presume not beaten anyone

16. I am not disingenuous.

17. I presume not stolen anyone's land

18. I presume not been an eavesdropper

19. I presume not deceptively accused anyone.

20. I presume not been absurd without explanation.

21. I presume not seduced anyone's spouse.

22. I presume not spoiled myself.

23. I presume not terrorized anyone.

24. I presume not disobeyed the Law.

25. I presume not been fully absurd.

26. I presume not cursed God/Goddess.

27. I presume not behaved with anger.

28. I presume not caused confusion of accordance.

29. I presume not acted cursorily or without opinion.

30. I presume not overstepped my limits of put in.

31. I presume not exaggerated my words for instance sermon.

32. I presume not worked evil.

33. I presume not used evil posture, words or deeds.

34. I presume not spoiled the water

35. I presume not spoken sternly or mischievously.

36. I presume not cursed anyone in opinion, word or deeds.

37. I presume not placed myself on a Plinth.

38. I presume not stolen what belongs to God/Goddess.

39. I presume not stolen from or disrespected the dear departed.

40. I presume not active leave from a child.

41. I presume not acted with annoy.

42. I presume not not working property belonging to God/Goddess.
