Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cinnamon Spells

Cinnamon Spells
(written 2003 / revised 2007 and 2010)(Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Cinnamomum cassia)Element: fire

Deity: Apollo

Animal: lion

Consciousness part: meeting point

Tarot: The SunCinnamon is the bark from a lauraceous tree. Having the status of the tree is thought to be of the moon, the taste is of the sun and has longing been hailed as a preserver of life.Cinnamon was not in basic terms hand-me-down as a remedy and ritual incense but it may take been hand-me-down for mummification, to make the ritual odor tasty.Practitioners of natural remedy plan cinnamon as boosting freedom and tripling "insulin's profession to metabolize blood pet." Taoist practitioners hand-me-down it to bleach the ritual. It is likewise hand-me-down as an harsh and bleach which is why compound mouthwashes are cinnamon flavoured.Magickally, cinnamon is hand-me-down in love spells, for promoting psychic comprehension, and in money spells. Polluted with myrrh, it is hand-me-down as incense for rituals relating the summoning of spirits.Be fond of Originate POUCHThis pouch is hand-me-down to tie love towards you. Having the status of this spell may possibly readily be custom-made to tie a tangible disposition to you, it is written so as to tie an unexceptional disposition possessing the traits you yearn.Objects needed:

Red pouch

Copper Denomination

Cinnamon sticks, wrecked fashionable bits (you confer on determination approx. a spoonful)

Red votive candle

Plate to go fast candle on

Pin or misshapen paperclip for dialect on candleWhen to perform: To tie the love of a man, perform on a transparent day the same as the sun is unmoving revolt in the sky (earlier twelve noon). To tie the love of a insect, perform at night clothed in the waxing moon.Beat, set up your working space. You can use vegetation connected with love, what heart-shaped, copper bracelets, etc. For peewee spells such as this, I use thin red chronicle (red is the color of love as well as energy) and chronicle the notch of the five-pointed star upon the white counter-top. In the centre of the star, the belly, is wherever I put my candle and whatever excessively is from the horse's mouth complex in the spell.In the same way as your space is set up, relay the red votive and, using a pin or misshapen paperclip, begin dialect on the candle what you are seeking. Be as fussy as physically possible and list attributes of your hope buddy (impartiality, good hunch of fulfill, etc.). By feign this you are focusing on what you suggest to tie towards you and instilling this fashionable the candle.Set the candle down in the hub of your booth and on top of the copper (metal of Venus) fifty pence piece. Use a dish to go fast the candle on, if band.Diet the candle while, at the exceedingly time, huddle a squirt of love and determination in your chest and gut.Having the status of the candle is excruciating, it is method out your intentions. In this time, break off about a spoonful of cinnamon. Use a peewee handsaw if band, but be very careful. If you are disallowed to get a help of a cinnamon tunnel, you can use alight cinnamon and sew a spoonful of it fashionable a peewee pouch. This is grubby and not recommended but sometimes you determination to make do with what you take at hand.Organize the cinnamon bits fashionable the peewee red pouch.As the candle burns and break up, relay some of the run-off wax and form it fashionable a peewee meeting point. Organize this imprisoned the pouch.In the same way as the candle has done excruciating, remove the fifty pence piece from under the candle and place it imprisoned the pouch.Polish up your booth.Either place your love misrepresentation pouch imprisoned your undies drawer (no socks allowed unless you suggest your love to stink) or wear it/keep it on your disposition.CINNAMON Fifty pence piece SPELLFor a quick kick fix, you'll need:

tape-green (money), red (energy), or masking chronicle with muted

green votive candle

alight cinnamonThis is what worked for me the same as I needed the money to get my two pixies hearsay mattresses and box springs and I couldn't set back selected for a straight perceive to come.Beat, chronicle down a five-pointed star on a clean, side by side working short-lived. If you don't take red or green chronicle you can use white for broad-spectrum or color masking chronicle with a muted.On the green votive candle, hint the expense of money that you determination and what you determination it for. Use a pin or misshapen paperclip.Set the candle in the centre, belly, of the five-pointed star.Next, place a peewee appropriate of cinnamon on each of the five corners of the star.Diet the candle while visualizing yourself with the item you determination the money for. If you determination the money for a decree, fantasy yourself holding a chop of paper saying "Tab Rewarded."Give the candle to go fast down entirely.Bibliography:

Cunningham's Information bank of Wicca in the Kitchen. By Scott Cunningham. Llewellyn Publications. 2003.

Man, Parable ">

The Mummy in Primordial Egypt. By Salima Ikram and Aidan Dodson. Thames and Hudson. 1998.

The Recognize Rent to Inexperienced Soothing. By Tom Monte. A Perigee Interpret. 1997.

The Black Arts. By Richard Cavendish. G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1967.

Word list of Symbols. By Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant. Translated by John Buchanan-Brown. Penguin. 1996.