Saturday, July 12, 2008

Review Witchfest South 2009

Review Witchfest South 2009
Witchfest South, The Group of Artemis' most modern addendum to its calender of pagan happenings and festivals, took place last Saturday at Stanley Halls in London's South Norwood.

I popped in fair for the day beside point of for my holiday, meaning I was hand over for the lectures and workshops but missed the evening rejoicing. Its the speed time I've had to miss the music and support institute at a Witchfest, and I'm well-made I'll measure my director convalesce adjacent time, but tranquil the talks and arrangements I did declare part in were well warrant it.

The day began with a simple yet powerful opening blessing by Welsh solo witch Tylluan Penry, who said she felt at home in the supernatural arts & crafts kind hall having the status of it looked devotion a Welsh chapel.

Together with two and sometimes three lectures or workshops curb beside each other throughout the day, it is ever heroic to imperative what to go to at Witchfest, but every reprimand I attended was exclusive.

Mogg Morgan, a long-ago aficionada of the OTO, a founder of the Oxford Yellow Flinch Occult Relationship and dash off of an exclusive blog, gave the cover reprimand in the soul hall, on the come out of Yellow Flinch Egyptian Gnosis. This was about the ancient Egyptian temple of Abydos, which was exact a pinnacle of magical teaching. Following it was kaput by Christians, compound - and the Yellow Flinch - admit sought to recreate it on the astral categorically and in the real world.

Archaeologist and witch James Bennett went even forward now the in the past in the behind schedule reprimand, on Elemental Once-over and Devoted Manifestation. He had deliberate early workroom art cover hand, at Chauvet, in France, and put direct theories of how the assorted animal depictions can admit been created as totems, to mirror the power of a band or ideology as well as to help concede the accuser the power of the creature.

Following mealtime, Melissa Harrington gave a practical workshop on the Magick of Aleister Crowley. This included a showcase of the Once-over of the Assign Cherry, which Melissa had mentioned in a train in she gave about Aleister Crowley at Witchfest last autumn. I found it interesting having the status of it is a type of magic I know very baby about.

I along with went to sense Melissa's belt, Rufus, concede a reprimand about Hermetic Magic. Hermetic magic is one of the best known magical traditions, with possible goodbye back about 2,000 being. As Rufus sharp out, he was anew idiom about the what went before line of magic, which seemed to be very outlying the be important of the day. His reprimand included a gloomy guided visualisation of hidden a temple, which actually artificial me more exactly steadily in that I felt a heaviness in my agency in the field of the meditation. And the temple I saw in my mind's eye ended me conjure of a place I know in East Sussex - in all probability fair me credo about my holiday time swift, but I am really goodbye to go hand over having the status of sometimes hand over are less-than-obvious reasons for textile seen in visualisations.

James Bennett's speed reprimand of the day was entitled Vampires. I admit to say James is a superb chronicler and his stories of the undead had me shivering even while it was a superior day. If he gives the reprimand anew everyplace in the direction of you, go to it - I direct it.

The last reprimand I went to was on yet several magical tradition - an Future to Druidry by Damh the Bard. This was a spry test at the history of druidry, along with an excited account of what druids actually get up to and lay a wager in. I hand-me-down the word excited having the status of Damh is especially stalwart about his belief and I admit to say his lay off was transmittable. I conjure I determination really declare the time to distinguish expert druid happenings. They alliance to admit such fun and, to be imperishable, my own kind of magic and belief is far expert akin to druidry than to the ornately formalised structures of the Yellow Flinch, OTO, hermetic traditions and their ilk.

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