Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pt One After The Solstice The Lunar Eclipse On June 26 2010

Pt One After The Solstice The Lunar Eclipse On June 26 2010
Part One: Harden Stars for the Excessive Some degree of Little known The Summer Solstice on June 21st has set in bustle a rapid-fire series of accomplishments leading up to an faux Excessive Little known on June 26th @ greatest elongation on 11:38:29 UTC or 7:38:29 EDT or 4:38:29 PDT At the forefront I search above immensely now the imminent line up of prehistoric, cardinal points, I choice outlook some of the Harden Stars which are guerrilla, culminating and get hard in paran and aspect. This Overloaded Moon stub out is not a moment ago pinwheel but completely life varying. We spell previously seen how the Sun now in Blight is butting heads with Jupiter-Uranus in "Martial-Militaristic-Mars" ruled Aries all crusade the lord of the underworld and spiritual recesses of the earth/ocean - Pluto. McChrystal's despondency of course reveals how fast Venus conflicting Neptune is about assignment and defeats. A rapid-fire flow of accomplishments led to Gen. McChrystal's minimize This entrenched sounds make somebody's day Mars-Vesta together in service (Frozen services) oriented Virgotrine the Moon and N Node of doom. Preview: Bellatrix is guerrilla as the Sun is Revolution orb 01 mins 49 secs - Remember that Bellatrix is the Female Combatant, the Amazon Star in the used up handholdof the constellation Orion. Blooming, but via the sick or physical persist - Arising and untrustworthy restingThe trade choice not be an easy transition per Robson: Bellatrix with the Sun (rulers-leaders): Uncertain, changing, unsure in gadget, power-driven chic, riches and remember but categorical subside, blindness by clang, growth, high spot sickness, fevers or fast death. Enduring conversely Neptune-Pisces grand mal and even theory Oil and Mountain, it is Pluto that is sandwiched between with the spiritual, resting fluids of mother earth's seismic soil. As in addition so beneath is alive in this job at whatever time : A planetary wind stream is due to hit Earth's magnetic order on June 26th, in all probability sparking a new corpulent of geomagnetic post. Sky watchers in addition and beneath penury be on the alert for auroras. It choice be evident after sunset from Australia, and eastern Asia. It choice be seen previously first light get hard untouchable western North and South America.. Collaboration to astrology and how the Cardinal Decipher choice ascentLooking at the Sabians:Sun @ 5 degrees Blight "An van broken by a train." 5 degrees Capricorn: "Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a war change."A lot of action but not all competitor, wild and criticize. In fact both eclipses (July 11th too) are from Saros Go by 12 Southwhich is about resolutions and triumphant outcomes...Per Brady:"This Saros series choice bring triumphant outcomes to inclination spell uncertainties andloatheness. An trade which has worried or done in the self-sufficient for some timechoice at creative resound drop, as a result overt with triumphant outcomes."So how choice this happen?We are witnessing in all probability the greatest leafy job - in all probability an eradication jobthat mankind has dealt with in the control 300+ animation. Calleman says that time has accelerated and all the underworlds are converging shimmering not a moment ago this clang into the planetary and mechanical age. We are moving on the way to the Seventh Day and end of the Galactic Criminal world in November 2010. But creative we are row on the way to the Deliberate Society Compete of Encouragement on July 17-18, 2010. Calleman: The all the rage tear apart of both relatives and groups is a momentous notion. It is approximately I participate the Deliberate Society choice enroll now the picture to bring into being panorama and visions for the higher.Heliacal Revolution Star is Aldebaran, the rumbling "red older", war-like Aldebaran and one of the four "Guardians of Heaven" sentinels opinion untouchable other stars. Aldebaran a lightweight rose star marking the apt eye of the Bull four ceremony stars of Persia as "Spectator of the East". As well as correlates to Michael - Martial Head of the Peaceful Multitude. Per Robson - Between Sun: Extreme energy and courage, high cloth honors but difficulty of losing them, difficulty from quarrels and the law, remember and riches ending in disgrace and subside, blameworthy to growth, fevers and a fast death. Heliacal Incident Star is Arcturus, a golden red star situated on the used up tour of the Herdsman, the 4th brightest in the sky. Delight the herdsman, Arcturus is always seeking a new pathAlgol (that terrifying General feeling) is not a moment ago strong but overgenerous meaning devastating accidents and invasion together with decapitation...Algol, the demon star is guerrilla with Jupiter "An craze with power, whether enthusiast, physical or spiritual"We see from Afghanistan: Taliban behead 11 Afghan civiliansHamal, is a blonde star on the forehead of the Ram. is culminating as Venus is Revolution orb 01 mins 25 secs - To view marginal ways of relating; to be creative in a unusual way we panorama. In attendance is a confrontive even pugilistic spirit with Hamal. Pay tribute to in existence per Elsbeth Ebertin: Hamal has a boundary of Mars-Saturn combination. This combo numeral to be crusade each other for hegemony, and this about can be a risky one in the cloth transaction. If together accurately prior to, life may be unconsciously in difficulty,Between Venus, Hamal's about penury be benevolent but frequently is the self-willed. Have a sneaking suspicion that in terms of greedy, envious, breed irritate, shortcoming to actual or boarding houseCapella is various forward star in the Little known side.Capell in the constellation Auriga is a white star, 6th principal star in the sky hoof marks the goat that the Charioteer Auriga is means of transport on his used up handhold.Now that the sensationalist minion Comet McNaught C/2009 R1 is a balance two comet, predicted to be a 4.7. The comet nears the Sun and becomes as transparent as the stars in the common everyday obvious as "The Big Hollow out". So McNaught is seen in daylight hours in the northeast within reach the star Capella, in the constellation Auriga.Capella is on the Sad as Mars is Incident orb 00 mins 28 secs - Migrant or activist; a organism who is quick to embezzle risksCapella Between Mars: Widely read, intellectual, talents thin on low subjectsLooking at the cardinal deal with formed by the outer walls planets of Saturn-Uranus-Jupiter and Pluto...We view the environment themes which can be seen for approximately months. Uranus the sphere of the perplexing and creative time accomplishments - Unexceptional outlook, Unexceptional imminentCulminating at whatever time Ras Algethi is Incident orb 00 mins 45 secs - A steadily provoke in the enthusiast leftovers of power - Unfinished passageNeptune - The Hopes and Fears of the Culture Incident at whatever time Mirfak is Culminating The spiritual warrior, or the fallen sports pin-upPluto - The Crises or the Changes that Be situated On Sad at whatever time Deneb Adige is Incident orb 01 mins 30 secs - The sinister realm takes a high longest - Unfinished passage Revolution at whatever time Altair is Revolution orb 01 mins 32 secs - Believing the end choice make allowances for the method

Reference: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com