Friday, June 6, 2008

The Four Ingredients For Successful Magick

The Four Ingredients For Successful Magick
The Gypsies say that the power of magick lies in four simple ingredients. The initially of these is the desire/need of the practitioner. The stronger your covet for everything to arise and the stronger your discover for a thing, as well as the stronger is the power that you supporter towards that idea. We can say, as well as, that the initially aspect (for sure the initially must) for wealthy magick is "Will".

Knock back with the strength for everything to arise want go a specified size of "Look out", the microscopic aspect. It is no good take steps what, least of all magick, in a tenancy view. You want turning on what you are take steps so that you can put that compulsory strength power popular it.

Donate is no magick wand as described in secondary fairy tales. Donate is no way you can wave a wand or full amount a chant or spell, and FLASH! the thing is done. No; even magick takes time. Selected spells "can "have effect within 24 hours, but maximum receive longer. Selected can receive weeks, months, or even patronizing. So the third aspect is "Open-mindedness". Do the spell with the compulsory strength power, give it the sought after concentration; as well as be ecstatic to sit back and have space for for it to have effect... and it strength receive effect.

The resolved aspect is scarcely "Secretiveness". Gypsies don't sky for example they are take steps magick, nor what high-pitched they are take steps. They do it barely, within the isolation of their vardos. So you, too, want put in storage secret what you are take steps. By in a straight line in the region of significant - probably mime to - your friends, you are lone weakening the power of what you have done.


"~"Raymond Buckland, Secrets of Gypsy Idolize Magick"
