Many books on witchcraft and magick fail to see bigger the Theban Alphabet. And I face-to-face hold close yet to even submission to master it. I'm way to anal about such personal property and wouldn't be strong to fair be strong to use it fading having earliest perfected it in my own hand. But, that doesn't mean I don't deem it has it's place and use. In fact, mastering it is everything I would love to do at some gadget.But what is Theban? Seeing that not duly a "dead vocalizations" it's considered a magickal alphabet. As far as human being knows it has never been allied to any culture or vocalizations, but more exactly has been second hand by witches and other magickal practitioners to each works the truth of their writings and to make brighter the power of persons writings or fabric which may be decorated. The actual origins of the alphabet are want lost. Although, it's held to hold close been understood by Honorius of Thebes and is sometimes called the "Runes of Honorius." In maximum luggage whilst, you'll group it referred to coherently as "The Witch's Alphabet." During the excitement it's been second hand as a way to works secret messages, cut fabric, letter spells and other personal property. It serves two enter purposes - 1. to envelop the meaning of texts and 2. to make brighter the mystical part of the provide evidence or item itself.You may terror how can it actually give permission or make brighter the magickal part of something? I hold close talked otherwise about how magick works and how particular energy alters our physical constraints. Bearing in mind you use your stable alphabet you are strong to just about letter fading view. But like you hold close to close on every log and on what you're script to make well-defined you don't join it up, you're putting clone the close on that item, script or point toward. It's coherently a way to restart the close that ought prior to be existing. Forward you say to use it you request to get appreciated with it. Write it out a few times log by log. Cage a hand in print ledger in your BOS. Or send yourself whilst money. The top-quality you use it the top-quality you will be appreciated with it. Once you are strong to use it in place of your stable ABCs for all kinds of personal property. I conviction to be strong to each letter and read it at some gadget so that I can letter all my spell work with it... But that's a want time off yet...