I bring in everything until it's disproved. So I bring in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your consciousness. Who's to say that thoughts and nightmares aren't as real as the all over and now?"- John Lennon If you bring in witches and magic you perhaps likewise bring in fairies, myths, dragons and even voodoo lore. Fairy-tale creatures are supposed to bring gifts and messages that are sent by the deities. These fabulous creatures can likewise be invoked major voodoo and witchcraft spells to bring their magical personality and strengths to presume. Dolls, fairies, and dragon and animal porcelain are commonly cast-off by Wiccans for magical spells and rituals. Old Egyptians thought that sacred creatures were the embodiment of the gods and goddesses that ruled them. In fact, the secular form is not burial place in the beliefs of various tribal and ancient societies. Spirits are perpetually changeable and they can accurate form in humans, plants, birds, fairies, even dolls or sacred gear. Likewise, these spirits could likewise accurate sway in humans. Wiccans commonly use plants and sacred gear such as dolls for protection and good luck spells. Rebel would go all the rage disagree in a visualize have speak, thought to be overexcited by animal spirits such as wolves. In ancient get older, refinement would keep up pets in their homes and bring them to be the spirit of an ancient precursor. In the least witches detain snakes as their spiritual protectors, others detain dogs. Witches commonly attire gear that are danger to take magical powers or the technique to protect or bring good luck to them or their prized ones. Voodoo dolls and many gear and plants can detain vast meaning to a witch. Witches if truth be told bring in fairies, myths and dragons. Demon lore, ancient myths and plants are commonly an elemental part of a witch's belief contraption, rituals and spells. As Lennon says, it all exists, even if it's in your consciousness.
Source: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com