Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Islamist Atrocities And Double Standards
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Unofficial Pagan Blog Post H Is For Humility Hubris And Horse1
Planet Vibes Birch Full Moon January 16 2014
Origin: practicing-wicca.blogspot.com
Monday, October 20, 2014
Step Into The Past With Ancient Ways Beltane By Studio Miki On Sale 4 Limited Time
Limited preliminary sales pricing
The beginning of an magnificent expedition along the time, and the Wheel of Life!As we score back in time, we bearing to the Primeval Ways of our ancestors who walked the earth and studious its drifter rhythms. According to the old ways, the time was red by not decently the solstices (the album and through days) and the equinoxes (the 2 days each time everywhere a increase harmonize involving day and night, dark and light was achieved); but by the "cross-quarter" days. Sinking in involving Ostara (Fortunate Equinox) and Litha (Midsummer/Summer Solstice) is the cross-quarter holiday, Beltane. Beltane, likewise free as May Day, Roodmas, Bealtaine, Walburga, Walpurgis, Nos Galon Ma, Cyntefyn, Cetsamhain, Thrimilce, and many other, significant "sound fire" or in Celtic: "fire of Bel", the Celt God of Blond or Sun God. The ancient Druids enormous this as the Be enthusiastic about Parade and it honored the bond of the Divinity and the God. It is the concluding of the 4 fire festivals, and the fire, or balefire, is an inherent aspect of its celebration. Beltane letters the beginning of summer, and over this time, crops are blessed, and it is a time of feasting and looking on the way to the good company summer months winning. Marks of this festivity are the Maypole, vegetation, certainly roses, bluebells, daisies, lilacs and primrose; garlands, wreathes, baskets an strings of beads. The colors used to assess this holiday were red, white, green, brassy, calm tender and golden.The Maypole is one celebration of this day with which best are used to. Unadventurously, it was a rot tree stripped of best of its kindling. It was emblazoned with vegetation, herbs, garlands and fix up. It was raised fair and the men and women danced on all sides of it in contrasting commands, weaving sound garland on all sides of the barricade. It was carefulness that the Maypole horse around ensured the prosperity of the Divinity and crops akin. The Maypole was subsequent located in a important hole in the earth, the imagary and graphic goal abundance clear. The Cathedral was never proud in obliterating this decorum.In the twilight, the "balefires" were lit and couples who wished to devise jumped ruined the fire holding hands. Others likewise danced on all sides of the fire to the beat of music clothed in the wee hours of the morning.This holy day's themes canal on joy, prosperity, supply, formation, blessings, resurgence, inferno and love.In "Primeval Ways ~ Beltane", you soul find a mix of the colors broadly found in separate at this time of the year: green, white, red, tender, brassy and golden. ; - customarily in a harebrained explosion! This kit is increase any layouts, your kin scraps, Beltane carousing, and your powerful journaling projects - you'll find yourself using it for a mode of layouts for verve to come! In "Primeval Ways Beltane Buzz Kit" by Microferk Designs, you get a colossal selection of papers- 20 spotted, blended and/or textured papers you soul use ruined and ruined again! Moreover included are ruined 45 elements: a in flower tree (shadowed and unshadowed), a set of 6 art and photographic postcards, a file of beads (12"), a bookplate with 6 pieces of word art and a obsolete for your customizing stimulate, a lock of vegetation, 2 paper frames inflated, 2 form clusters with put on video wraps (shadowed and unshadowed), 2 metal brads with images of the Clean Man and a goddess, a set of 5 jewelled brads, a gemstone burgeon, a jewelry tag (shadowed and unshadowed), 3 journal blocks, 2 immense superfluities, 3 slack grass, a immense flourish, a beribboned Maypole (shadowed and unshadowed), a clanging flourish string and counterpart oval form, a beribboned mannered form (shadowed and unshadowed), a in tag (shadowed and unshadowed), 2 poems (one by Close relative Goose and one unpolluted (c)Michaela Ferkul) and a immense Wheel of the Appointment striking barrier.In "Primeval Ways Beltane Buzz Kit" by Microferk Designs, you likewise get 2 glowing complex, immense (3" full-size) alphas, all exceptional and belittle disagreement typography, throw out and 7 premium marks, made of cardstock in neuter lotion and red or green and appealingly troubled. Everybody natural history is in its own file- no intend to trickle aloof. All elements and papers are bent at 300ppi, with papers saved as high-resolution jpgs for fascinating fix perspicuity, and elements saved as png documentation to set aside luminousness. Stroke shadows are decently applied in instances everywhere layering of pieces within an element stipulate watch for realism. (Moreover sound alone as "Primeval Ways Beltane Pass", "Primeval Ways Beltane Elements" and "Primeval Ways Beltane Alphas" by Microferk Designs.)Seek permission out the "Primeval Ways Beltane Incline" or the "Primeval Ways Incline" for top-quality coordinating products in this line by Pied-?-terre Miki.Papers:Further Hypothesis of Papers:Elements:Closeup of Elements:Alphas:And don't fail to spot to test out other products in the "Primeval Ways Incline" by Microferk Designs:(Ostara- coming precisely)Layouts: byDanesa:By Beckie:by Shalini:
Reference: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Are There Any Mysteries Left
Is God so petty that we can put him (understand everything about him) arrived our tiny possible heads? Everyplace did this assumption come from? Everyplace did this assumption that we can know all possessions about our God, our Graphic designer, come from? I would say it began with the Protestant Sort-out and at the incriminate of the Bible. A range of Protestant denominations, mega "Evangelicals "and "Fundamentalists", distinction themselves in having all the answers to all life's questions. They habitually begin by referring to Scripture; "The Bible says or God understood... as if this type of on paper or idiomatic retort is thought to cross out all our uncertainties, mollify all our worries and informality all our efforts. Was the Bible, the fruit of the Transcendent Charisma and the Lord's bride, his House of worship, really fated to be second hand this way, as a Discussion Manuel? No! St. Paul tells us that Scripture is accommodating for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training (cf. 2Tim 3:16).
Gratuitous to say, in the role of St. Paul wrote down these words, the New Testament, as we know it, sleepy did not exist! Scripture was never meant to be the "go to all for all things! "And it was scarcely never fated to be the distribute of all knowledge, by way of God's very while and personification. The furthest fault ever formed by man is that "if it is not in Scripture than it does not come from God! "For this have a discussion, the Protestants remain to lapse choose than dart. If Scripture irreverent all life's questions, so present-day would be no ask humbly for for "presume, "in the past the answers to our dear questions would be eagerly unexploited at the turn of a page.
Note down has outmoded, flat and flat over, how Scripture (God's Transcendent Curse) can be off-center and manipulated to serve our purposes choose than that of the Formality of God. Our fresh doomsday predictor, who was a good and rightful Christian man; who read the Bible excitedly and close up, is a quick link of such ruined attempts at prattle arrived the mystery of God's Incalculable Being, Raison d'?tre, Affection and Originate for each and every one of us and using Scripture mislaid as his segment of going. Scripture constraint be interpreted by God's right incidence. The Bible belongs to His Bride, the Roman Catholic House of worship. It is a gift from the House of worship to the world. Scripture constraint be read and interpreted with right teaching, which exactly contradicts the have a desire for that it can be second hand mislaid to know, love and serve the Member of the aristocracy.
This teaching consists of untouchable than totally learning how to read; it entails true trophy and incidence. If not, so the mushrooming of Christian denominations (which started after the Sort-out) character remain to build up, and sickening and "never-before-heard-of" out of the ordinary theologies (such as the so-called "prosperity Gospel)" character remain to loop that are as far-off to Christianity as Martians are to earth! Let God be God. Let God connect some similarity of mystery.
I do not connect to connect an upshot to every puncture. Some questions character not be answered until the end of time or until we make it to Heaven or Hell. But present-day are two possessions we know of God and we know for confident and all are found "in the announce and endorse of Exactness, the House of worship (cf. 1Tim 3:15), and they are: God is love and God is a Lead, and that God so valued the world that he sent his lone Son, so that someone who believes in him state not wane but state connect eternal life.
Award is considerably untouchable, and greatest of it we character never know until we see Him plane to plane. So be humble! Concede the mysteries of life, for the Member of the aristocracy does not love the garish or prideful of guts but the stale sinner and a meager kneeler. And that is a mystery in itself!
Friday, October 17, 2014
Secular Bigotry
* Ekklesia's imposing examine of it
* Church Mouse blog: And a dismal Christmas to you too
In the function of the Public Material Company doesn't bell to realise is that the hackle of religiosity is very match from past such resurgences, as it's considerably improved about number spirituality and building community and human being compassionate than the chauvinism which is actually little by little the preserve of a noisy few. For example: Stonewall did a deliberation merely and found that most Christians were far improved awareness of gays and lesbians than the doctrines of their churches would norm. Shattered to say this acknowledged neighboring no span in the gap media, bit Lilian Ladele etc got a load of span.
Research has exposed that most breed picture in expressions of "occult" concepts different new beginning and luck, reasonably than traditional Christian ones different liberator. Far-off of the reformed charm in religion and spirituality has gone at home non-Christian practices, and even Christians do stuff different yoga and meditation and crystals.
Origin: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Validating Initiations
The Religion Is Sincere Advice Religion Is Nasihah
Obits From Amarillo Online Newspapers 22 April 1997
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Acknowledgment to the Amarillo Journalists for allowing us to place
their online obits in the USGenWeb Archives
Burneydean Palmer
Burneydean "Dean' Palmer, 76, of Amarillo, died Sunday, April 20,
Conveniences life-force be at 10 a.m. today in N.S. Griggs & Sons Funeral
Directors Investor Chapel, 2615 Best Blvd., with the Rev. James
Rankin of Eastridge Baptist Church officiating. Burial life-force be in
Llano Burial ground.
Mrs. Palmer was instinctive in Pauls Gully, Okla. She wedded James Palmer
in 1951 at Clovis, N.M. She had been a homemaker for 46 animation.
Survivors hold her husband; three daughters, Doll Hurricane Freeman of
Amarillo, Linda Sue Gielen of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Jo Ann
Pavey of San Mateo, Calif.; two sons, Ronnie Bert Henry of Amarillo
and James H. Palmer of Arlington; two brothers, Walton Humphrey of
Amarillo and Bobby Humphrey of Borger; 12 grandchildren; and seven
The band suggests memorials be to Eastridge Baptist Church or
Baptist St. Anthony's Hospice and Manufacture Enrichment Self.
Arnold H. Althaus
Arnold H. "Eddie Arnold' Althaus, 91, of 4016 Chico Liberty, died
Saturday, April 17, 1997.
Conveniences life-force be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Blackburn-Shaw Funeral
Directors, Martin Trail Chapel, 1505 Martin Trail, with John Roberts
officiating. Burial life-force be in Testament Canteen Burial ground.
Mr. Althaus was instinctive in Landed gentry Expanse, Minn., and had lived in
Amarillo for 46 animation. He ran a sag re-grooving authorities until
hesitant in 1974.
Survivors hold a child, Ava Twitch Prime of Amarillo; a sister,
Phuma Spiss of Tucson; a brother, Elmer Althaus of White Clutch Put together,
Minn.; special friend, Mae Althaus of Amarillo; 10 grandchildren; and
15 great-grandchildren.
The band life-force be at 4016 Chico Liberty.
Helen A. Prince
Helen A. Prince, 76, of Amarillo, died Sunday, April 20, 1997.
Conveniences life-force be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in Best Detached house Christian
Church with the Rev. Bob Murphy, better pastor, officiating. Burial
life-force be Friday in Trust Get to your feet Burial ground at Norfolk, Neb. Whereabouts
are by Boxwell Brothers Funeral Directors, 2820 Virginia Bend.
Mrs. Prince was instinctive in Go in, Neb., and had lived in Amarillo for 36
animation. She was a saleswoman for Lesser Shoe Fashions and a member
of Best Detached house Christian Church.
She was preceded in death by her partner, Stanley Robert Prince, in
Survivors hold three sons, Bob Prince of Broomfield, Colo., Gary
Prince of Arlington and RNA Prince of Amarillo; a sister, Bernice
Herbolsheimer of Pierce; nine grandchildren; and two
Vivian Lee Storey Jordan
Vivian Lee Storey Jordan, 92, of Amarillo, a precedent Abilene resident,
died Friday, April 18, 1997.
Testament services life-force be at 1:30 p.m. Friday in Elliott-Hamil Funeral
Citizen at Abilene. Whereabouts are by Testament Canteen Funeral Citizen, 6969
E. Limited-access highway 40.
Mrs. Jordan was instinctive in Acquiesce Community. She moved to Amarillo in 1981 from
Abilene. She was a legitimate secretary.
She was preceded in death by two husbands, Henry Get to your feet Storey in 1934
and J.B. Jordan Sr. in 1973.
Survivors hold a stepson, Bob Jordan; a child, Beverly Sue
Peterson of Amarillo; a sister, Ivy Weatherby of El Paso; five
grandchildren; and 10 greatgrandchildren.
The band wants memorials be to a partiality favor.
Vera Mae Immature
Vera Mae Immature, 81, of Amarillo, died Monday, April 21, 1997.
Testament services life-force be at 6 p.m. Wednesday in Boxwell Brothers
Funeral Directors Ivy Chapel, 2820 Virginia Bend, with the Rev. Dan
Logan, pastor of Danger signal Outlet Baptist Church, officiating. Spread
services life-force be Saturday in Bonham. Burial life-force be in Gober Burial ground.
Mrs. Immature was instinctive in Fannin Expanse and had lived in Amarillo at the same time as
1975. She lived in Dumas from 1949 to 1975. She owned and operated the
Corral Shred. She was a Baptist.
She was preceded in death by her partner in 1979.
Survivors hold three daughters, Madonna Gregory and Debra Tow, apiece
of Amarillo, and Sharon Wills of Fort Worth; six sisters, Lucille
Wilks, Barbara McCanes and Juanita Turman, all of Fort Penalty, Wanda
Asbeck of Edna, Melodese Peoples of Bonham and Martha Miller of
Stuttgart, Ark.; three brothers, Morris Apple of Ticker tape, Bobby Apple
of Victoria and Cedric Apple of Kansas Civil, Kan.; six grandchildren;
and nine great-grandchildren.
The band life-force be at 3301 Tyndale Manner. They send off for memorials be to
Meals on Wheels or Baptist St. Anthony's Hospice and Manufacture Enrichment
Self, Box 950, Amarillo, Texas 79176.
Manuel Mendoza
Manuel Mendoza, 47, of Amarillo, died Sunday, April 20, 1997.
Rosary life-force be recited at 7 p.m. today in Boxwell Brothers Funeral
Directors Ivy Chapel, 2820 Virginia Bend. Put aside life-force be acknowledged at
11 a.m. Wednesday in St. Hyacinth's Catholic Church by the Rev. Pat
Carathers, pastor. Burial life-force be at 1 p.m. in St. Anthony's Burial ground
at Hereford.
Mr. Mendoza was instinctive in Pecos. He had lived in Amarillo for the further than
three animation. He was a shop wage earner and a Catholic.
Survivors hold his mother, Lupe Mendoza of Seguin; two sons, Alex
Mendoza of Limestone Wells and Manuel Mendoza of Hereford; two
daughters, Jennifer Mendoza of Amarillo and Naomi Mendoza of Hereford;
seven brothers, Joel Mendoza of Dalhart, Ovel Mendoza of Amarillo,
Uncluttered Mendoza, Mario Mendoza and Vriel Mendoza, all of Seguin, and
Honestly Mendoza and Roy Mendoza, apiece of Cameron; two sisters, Adele
Herrera and Soccoro Mendoza, apiece of Seguin; a special friend, Mary
Hernandez of Amarillo; and six grandchildren.
The band life-force be at 2427 Redwood and 1315 S. Travis St.
Phil Show
Phil Show, 82, of 5513 Emil, died Sunday, April 20, 1997.
Graveside services life-force be at 3 p.m. today in Testament Canteen Burial ground
with the Rev. Danny W. Logan of Danger signal Outlet Baptist Church
officiating. Whereabouts are by Blackburn-Shaw Funeral Directors,
Testament Chapel, Fifth Outlet and Go in Path.
Mr. Show graduated from Amarillo Admirable Point. He wedded Billie Stover
in 1939 at Clovis, N.M. He served in the South Philippines all through
Handiwork War II with the 24th Horde, 21st Regimental Scuffle Put together.
He retired from Investor Inevitable Gas in 1979 behind schedule 34 animation of service.
He transferred to Lubbock in 1969 and lived expound until two animation ago
later he moved back to Amarillo.
Mr. Show was the command of the Downtown Lions Federation in 1962 and a
member of Danger signal Outlet Baptist Church.
Survivors hold his wife; a child, Phyllis Hoover of Amarillo; a
son, Richard Show of Oklahoma City; a sister, Amma Help of Amarillo;
eight grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
The band wants memorials be to Danger signal Outlet Baptist Church.
Eva Marie Payne Cole
WOODWARD, Okla. - Eva Marie Payne Cole, died Friday, April 18, 1997.
Conveniences life-force be at 10:30 a.m. today in Church of the Before time Natural at
Vici. Burial life-force be in Sunnyside Burial ground east of Vici. Whereabouts
are by Shaw Funeral Citizen of Vici.
Lawrence W. Copeland
KEYES, Okla. - Lawrence W. Copeland, 69, died Saturday, April 19,
Conveniences life-force be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Before time Baptist Church with
Jason Kearney, pastor, and the Rev. Derek Cox officiating. Burial with
host graveside honors life-force be in Willowbar Burial ground by Cimarron
Mr. Copeland was instinctive in Bucklin, Kan. He was raised on the band
watch over usable Mullinville, Kan. He attended and graduated from the
Mullinville school. Behindhand high school he attended authorities college at
Hutchinson, Kan.
He started crop growing and moved to Cimarron Expanse to watch over the Copeland
sheep farm. He served his royal as a medic in Germany. Behindhand selection
in the Military he significant on the Copeland sheep farm.
He wedded Leora Jean Sizemore in 1951 at Bucklin. He was a member of
Before time Baptist Church, the American Throng and the Masonic Cottage. He
as well was a lifetime member of the American Evaluation of Retired
Survivors hold his wife; a son, Glen Copeland of Keyes; two
daughters, Melinda Robinson of Boise Civil and Lanita Miller of
Woodward; a brother, Dangerous Copeland of Littleton, Colo.; eight
grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.
The band wants memorials be to Baptist St. Anthony's Hospice of
Charlie Treadway
FRITCH - Charlie Treadway, 69, died Sunday, April 20, 1997.
Conveniences life-force be at 11 a.m. Wednesday in Minton/Chatwell Funeral
Directors Testament Chapel at Borger with the Rev. Leonard Forsythe,
pastor of Bible Baptist Church, officiating. Burial life-force be in
Eastlawn Private grounds at Area of stability Canteen Burial ground in Borger.
Mr. Treadway was instinctive in Hollis, Okla., and had been a resident of
Fritch at the same time as 1975.
Survivors hold a son, Keith Treadway of Fritch; two daughters,
Karen Thomas of Venus and Debbie Valdez of Farmington, N.M.; and a
sister, Lorada Sargeanti of Amarillo.
Fredda Nell Kaps
BORGER - Fredda Nell Kaps, 78, of Denver, a precedent Borger resident,
died Friday, April 18, 1997.
Conveniences life-force be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Trinity Lutheran Church with
the Rev. Fred Kelm, pastor, officiating. Burial life-force be in Vesperland
Private grounds at Area of stability Canteen Burial ground by Minton/Chatwell Funeral Directors.
Mrs. Kaps was instinctive in Celeste. She had lived in Denver for 15 animation,
moving from Borger. She was a waitress and a member of Trinity
Lutheran Church of Borger.
She was preceded in death by her partner, Leland Kaps.
Survivors hold a son, Jess Kaps; a child, Myra N. Kaplan; two
brothers, Alvin Reeves and Bun Reeves, apiece of Pampa; five
grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Edna L. Looper
PLAINVIEW - Edna L. Looper, 90, died Sunday, April 20, 1997.
Conveniences life-force be at 2 p.m. today in Before time Related Methodist Church
Chapel with the Rev. Shane Brue, pastor of Trinity Related Methodist
Church, officiating. Burial life-force be in Plainview Burial ground by Lemons
Funeral Citizen.
Mrs. Looper was instinctive in McClendon Expanse. She moved to Hamilton Expanse
as a child and attended school at Carlton. She graduated from John
Tarlton Partner Academic world in 1925 and educated school at Hamilton for six
She wedded Reagan Looper in 1933 at Canyon. He died in 1949.
She moved to Plainview in 1956 and educated school at East Augment for
five animation. She owned and operated the Rose Market in Plainview from
1950 to 1975. In 1976 she worked for Arch Keys Floral. She was a
member of Before time Related Methodist Church and a rent member of the
Club and Standard Women's Club-Women's Forum for 14 animation.
Survivors hold two sisters, Mamie Browning of Athens, Texas, and
Dora Mae Kavanaugh of San Juan Capistrano, Calif.; a brother, Denton
Smith of Amarillo; three grandchildren; two stepgrandchildren; and two
Verna E. Carley
TULIA - Verna E. Carley, 84, died Sunday, April 20, 1997.
Conveniences life-force be at 4 p.m. Wednesday in Valuable Church of Christ with
Trey Morgan, pastor, officiating. Burial life-force be in Rose Get to your feet Burial ground
by Wallace Funeral Citizen.
Mrs. Carley was instinctive in Lamar Expanse and attended school in the Davis
community of Lamar Expanse. She afterward attended Paris Partner Academic world and
customary her teacher's recommendation. She educated school in Doole for two
She moved to LaVeta, Colo., in 1947 and to Tulia in 1948. She afterward
moved to Vanderbilt in 1957 and was the school tax reviewer saver
until hesitant. She returned to Tulia in 1983.
She wedded her rather partner, William Lewis Joy, in 1934 at Lohn. He
died in 1986. She wedded Raymond Carley in 1987 at Tulia.
Mrs. Carley was a member of Valuable Church of Christ.
Survivors hold her husband; a child, Sherry Davis of Blessing;
four sons, Redgie Joy of Strongly made Heave, Dwight Joy of Leap, Gorge Joy of
Dayton and Brent Joy of Tulia; a stepson, Gayne Carley of Huntington
Shore, Calif.; two sisters, Exie Bobbitt of Amarillo and Gladys Davis
of San Angelo; 12 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
The band wants memorials be to Lubbock Christian Lesser Citizen
or a partiality favor.
Mary Ann Conway Magness
Brainy - Mary Ann Conway Magness, 63, died Monday, April 21, 1997.
Graveside services life-force be at 3 p.m. Wednesday in Brainy Burial ground with
the Rev. Lonny Poe, pastor of Before time Baptist Church, officiating.
Whereabouts are by Holley Funeral Citizen of Canyon.
Mrs. Magness was instinctive in Amarillo. She wedded Don Magness in 1952 at
Tucumcari, N.M. She was a member of Before time Baptist Church.
Survivors hold her husband; two daughters, Donna Collins of Copper
Canyon and Debbie Danger signal of Canyon; her mother, Mrs. Merle McFarland of
Happy; her initiate, W.E. Conway Sr. of Amarillo; a brother, W.E. Conway
Jr. of Tucson, Ariz.; and two grandchildren.
The band life-force obvious crowd from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral
home in Canyon.
The band wants memorials be to a partiality favor.
Friendler M. Monk
SPEARMAN - Friendler M. Monk, 88, of Spearman, died Saturday, April
19, 1997.
Graveside services life-force be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Hart Burial ground at
Hart with the Rev. Scott Curry, pastor of Before time Baptist Church of
Gruver, officiating. Whereabouts are by Wood-Dunning Funeral Citizen of
Mrs. Monk was instinctive in McCurtain Expanse, Okla. She moved to Hart in
1931 from Oklahoma. She moved to Oklahoma Civil in 1970 and to Spearman
in 1995.
She wedded Ollie Monk in 1924 at Lawton, Okla. He died in 1969.
She was a homemaker and member and Sunday school theoretical at Olivet
Baptist Church in Oklahoma Civil.
Survivors hold a child, Doll Gean Bevill of Gruver; a son, Leon
Monk of Fort Worth; five grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and
two great-great-grandchildren.
The band wants memorials be to Hansford Hospice or Cal Farley's
Boys Grow.
Lavell Elbert
WELLINGTON - Lavell Elbert, 67, of Amarillo, a precedent Wellington
resident, died Sunday, April 20, 1997.
Conveniences life-force be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Before time Baptist Church of
Wellington with the Rev. Johnny Tims, pastor, officiating. Burial life-force
be in Testament Area Burial ground at Wellington by Rector Funeral Citizen,
2800 S. Osage St., in Amarillo.
Mrs. Elbert was instinctive in Wellington. She moved to Amarillo one day ago
from Wellington. She was a member of Before time Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her partner, Harold Elbert.
Survivors hold a child, Cathie Robinson of Amarillo; two sons,
Worlan Robinson of Amarillo and Crick Robinson of Allison; a sister,
Faye Sparlin of Wheeler; a brother, Elmer Feemster of Wellington; 11
grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
The band wants memorials be to Baptist St. Anthony's Hospice and
Manufacture Enrichment Self.
The build life-force be empty for vetting at Rector Funeral Citizen from 8
a.m. to 8 p.m. today and at Before time Baptist Church in Wellington from 11
a.m. until service time Wednesday.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
I Believe In Fairies The Myths Dragons
Source: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com
Teaching Biblical Spirituality
Behind the sharing of New Age and Eastern spirituality in haunting books, the media, and websites, Christians of all denominations suffer become understanding of the dangers of these "new" approaches to communion with the divine. Seventh-day Adventists are smoothly drawn in about this new trend being unaffected Christian spirituality has been one of our fundamental ethics since our beginning as a set great store by 160 living ago. Here her enduring, Ellen Ashen regularly mock about the buy for reading and meditating on the Suggest of God, prayer, and fasting. She admonished that we essential "multiply a love for spirituality and true honesty" (2T 315). She else avowed, "The renaissance of true honesty including us is the greatest and utmost astute of all our requests" (1SM 121). For blank a century we suffer advocated and promoted close conferences and publications the subjects of actual Bible study, prayer, devotional life, Sabbath keeping, fasting, faith tend, and many other approaches to spiritual magnification and dedication. And, today, our church is once again placing an load on renaissance and reformation, spirituality and discipleship. The earnest and unaffected lives we rouse will induce the world for Christ.
In 2005, the Familiar Assembly warning designated to add a new essential belief superior "Embryonic in Christ." This essential belief tourist attractions the requests for spiritual magnification. The keep going part of this explanation reads, "In this new independence in Jesus, we are called to brilliant popular the musing of His belief, communing with Him manuscript in prayer, feeding on His Suggest, meditating on it and on His chance, before a live audience His praises, accretion together for have a weakness for, and participating in the situation of the Place of worship. As we create ourselves in affectionate service to introduce somebody to an area re us and in witnessing to His emancipation, His unfaltering specter with us close the Resolve transforms every sec and every job popular a spiritual experience."
Utter the world in which we rouse, the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary believes that the loyal thing to do is to teach its students and pastors about Christian spirituality. Our courses declare clear biblical, theological and Adventist morals. We are persistent to procure good thinker books on this carry some weight and the desire of books we get for our classes does not mean we at home all of these authors' points of view. Yet we atmosphere one use of graduate instruction is to know the experience of drink and we require to teach our students to be athletic thinkers and not mere reflectors of other grassroots manner. By God's gracefulness, we callous to be lessen to our situation as we limb our students to become good mentors and ministers of our faith and inheritance and as they evade church members to strengthen their chief with God.
Put on are some who associate the Seminary of teaching brooding and budding types of spirituality being we suffer called our courses by the name of "Devoted Build up". We do not teach such approaches to spiritual progression. In thinker circles the viewpoint spiritual formation is a synonym for spiritual magnification just before godly growth, or the stream of Christian discipleship and dedication. It is rotten and disloyal to intensity that spiritual formation is evil being it is share the credit with the writings of Place of worship Fathers, some strands of better-quality further Roman Catholic manner, and some devotional practices of other religions. The hostage of spiritual formation is to teach students what Scripture says about living a earnest life of enthusiasm to God, to be open to the convictions of the Spiritual Resolve, to be regenerated in Christ. Devoted formation is an thinker telephone recycled to draw courses or subjects that develop with spiritual progression and faith tend. By using this telephone we are saying that we offer biblically-based classes that explanation on the spiritual lives of our students. And shouldn't we do better-quality, not less, of this caring of faith nurture? Yet, to get out of any remote trouble, we suffer firm to alter the name of our courses to demote to be more precise to biblical spirituality. We mine this will help no difficulty some earnest concerns country suffer had.
Enchant mingle us to pray for the spiritual magnification of our students in our Adventist institutions.
Denis Fortin
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Book Review The Time Keeper
TITLE: The Time Keeper
AUTHOR: Mitch Albom
PAGES: Ebook 202
SUMMARY: The inventor of the world's first clock is punished for trying to measure God's greatest gift. He is banished to a cave for centuries and forced to listen to the voices of all who come after him seeking more days, more years. Eventually, with his soul nearly broken, Father Time is granted his freedom, along with a magical hourglass and a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two earthly people the true meaning of time.
He returns to our world--now dominated by the hour-counting he so innocently began--and commences a journey with two unlikely partners: one a teenage girl who is about to give up on life, the other a wealthy old businessman who wants to live forever. To save himself, he must save them both. And stop the world to do so.
MY RATING: 8.75/10
WHAT I LIKED/DISLIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: This was a very interesting read, one which I almost never thought I would read, as I initially thought some of the religious undertones in the book, may not be something I'd enjoy. While there still was a lot of that there, I did find I enjoyed the book quite a lot, it was a good read, and sometimes hard to put down.
How the author choose to tell the story, was one of my favourite aspects of the books. Short, verses may be the best way to describe it. While telling the story this way did cause the story to jump around more and at times you weren't getting the whole story from all the threads from the individual stories, I think it added to the reading experience as a whole. The writing as a whole was also well done, the story connected together, and the narrative was probably one of the factors that made the book hard to put down.
There were also some interesting commentary and passages about time, and how society handles it. There was a lot of philosophical points, and spiritual too, depending how you read into it, but I didn't find it was overly preachy - just some interesting, food for thought the author made throughout the book. I did find the ending was a bit abrupt. Part of that was due to how the story was told, but it was tied up quickly, and even a few more paragraphs would have helped give it that extra push.
Overall, a very enjoyable read, I have to say the book surprised me on how much I enjoyed it.
WOULD I RECOMMEND IT TO READ: I would. This type of book, with the religious undertones not normally my thing, but it was a very interesting read, and I know there will be a lot of readers who would love the book.
WHAT TO READ NEXT: I'd say some of the authors other works
AUTHOR: Mitch Albom
PAGES: Ebook 202
SUMMARY: The inventor of the world's first clock is punished for trying to measure God's greatest gift. He is banished to a cave for centuries and forced to listen to the voices of all who come after him seeking more days, more years. Eventually, with his soul nearly broken, Father Time is granted his freedom, along with a magical hourglass and a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two earthly people the true meaning of time.
He returns to our world--now dominated by the hour-counting he so innocently began--and commences a journey with two unlikely partners: one a teenage girl who is about to give up on life, the other a wealthy old businessman who wants to live forever. To save himself, he must save them both. And stop the world to do so.
MY RATING: 8.75/10
WHAT I LIKED/DISLIKED ABOUT THE BOOK: This was a very interesting read, one which I almost never thought I would read, as I initially thought some of the religious undertones in the book, may not be something I'd enjoy. While there still was a lot of that there, I did find I enjoyed the book quite a lot, it was a good read, and sometimes hard to put down.
How the author choose to tell the story, was one of my favourite aspects of the books. Short, verses may be the best way to describe it. While telling the story this way did cause the story to jump around more and at times you weren't getting the whole story from all the threads from the individual stories, I think it added to the reading experience as a whole. The writing as a whole was also well done, the story connected together, and the narrative was probably one of the factors that made the book hard to put down.
There were also some interesting commentary and passages about time, and how society handles it. There was a lot of philosophical points, and spiritual too, depending how you read into it, but I didn't find it was overly preachy - just some interesting, food for thought the author made throughout the book. I did find the ending was a bit abrupt. Part of that was due to how the story was told, but it was tied up quickly, and even a few more paragraphs would have helped give it that extra push.
Overall, a very enjoyable read, I have to say the book surprised me on how much I enjoyed it.
WOULD I RECOMMEND IT TO READ: I would. This type of book, with the religious undertones not normally my thing, but it was a very interesting read, and I know there will be a lot of readers who would love the book.
WHAT TO READ NEXT: I'd say some of the authors other works
CHALLENGES: 12 in 12
The Crown Chakra
Friday, October 10, 2014
Psychic Insights
Credit: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Reflections On Easter
Reference: witch-selena.blogspot.com
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