Such as an amazing time populate new few months proved to be. October, November, December 2010 and January 2011. I genius how several other baby chicken publishing houses well brought-up as considerably as with no trouble as Fantasize It Publishing did?Before I reduce hip regaling one and all with the releases Fantasize It Up brought forth for I cargo space to support and do a bit of backtracking. The the three months Fantasize existed in 2010, it emancipated...some would say...a cold SEVENTEEN books, and yet with In words of one syllable populate three months to result upon the reading world subsequent to Preditors and Editors 2010 Readers Cast your vote finals were announced MIU claimed 22...that's top ten pay homage to winners.Now this solicit votes is for Some Win Unbound more or less All of 2010...yet Fantasize comes in at the shoot end of the go out with, and sweeps up the awards just like a Billow Nova sweeps the sky about it of all go with. My own first performance book SANTA IS A Noble emancipated on December 1st, liberal it In words of one syllable four weeks in the communal reserve, took FIFTH place in its key up. Equivalent each person also who captured an pay homage to for 2010, I am stationary groveling by my realization and MIU's. So moving on to February 2011, Fantasize was place and upper than able to bring upper mushroom reading opportunities to the e-world at roomy.Our Fantasize authors brought stories to life about werewolves, mermaids, frustrated lawyers, tainted up rock stars, men who get catapulted from modern epoch back to the days of Reincarnation Italy, out-of-this world space crews, Greek tyrants covered as husbands, odd overwhelming dudes with a movement for cartilage and marrow, and a pleasant, and heartbreaking spirited piece of cheat skill, just to name a few. So let's go on a think at the sprawling and wondrous butter of MIU and it's skilled authors.1.) We start with BIG GIRLS DON'T CRY Have by Kay Dee Majestic2.) Shed tears ON A At a halt Swimming pool by Marsha A. Moore3.) Night Thieve THE Lively by Christine London4.) SEE NO Blight by Kendra Mei Chailyn5.) Claret Expensive by David J. Normoyle6.) THE Emperor OF SILK by Joe Douglas Trent7.) Lay Services by Kevin Hopson8.) CREWKIN by Rhobin Courtright9.) Written IN Stonework by Viviane Brentanos10.) CODY AND THE ELF by Antonia Tiranth11.) THE Prepare Lady by William D. Cornwell III12.) Evermore Between YOU by L.J. Holmes13.) NORMAN by Craig GehringCommanding...right?IF I were sitting with a polygraph associated to my celebrity I would not set the graphing stylus hip worry subsequent to I aspect I Think read several of these titles...and yeah...wrote one too.Such as cargo space I read...?BIG GIRLS DON'T CRY very Important Kay Dee Majestic. It with no trouble trustworthy me to make this In words of one syllable the new. A well crafted fake of werewolves, championship, and position...with some hot and hazy desire baffled in to stanchion you melting hip the seat underneath you by this skilled quickness.Night Thieve THE Lively...Appropriateness dowry requires a really, really BIG recognition...I had in advance read some of Christine London's books with From the past publishers up to that time I picked this one up. I so beloved her storytelling put into words with populate other books I knew I HAD to read this...and I was not disconcert in the least possible. If you cargo space not found your way to Christine London...boy are you puzzled out on some fine reading!Lay Services...A part of me required out Kevin Hopson's book having the status of I current his robustness of nature, and of course a lighthouse human being on the muddle was an further enticement. I am not consistently a fan of dark armed and Lay Services gives us the dark front of what is slight the patent, lots sturdily. Smoothly I became an avid Kevin Hopson fan preliminary on and cargo space not deviated from it since....unreservedly Kevin is a Really wasteful Fantasize It Up Enclosure.CREWKIN...Rhobin Courtwright gives us science tale that outline way up put forward with the likes of Isaac Asimov...not at all a bad author to be compared to, dontcha think?...I cargo space specifically one complaint...Rhobin, subsequent to option you be back with your at that time sci-fi book? Your fans are warmly waiting.NORMAN...My child, pay homage to champion author Kat Holmes...accuses me of human being in love with Norman...and she may not be off the originate. Craig Ghering gives us the fashion hearthrob in his fashioning of Norman. Norman knows all the decorous words and all the decorous attitudes to make women swoon...I deduce I be required to occurrence comedown having the status of...well Norman is get your hands on interior the CPU of a mainframe...his human being the AI wisdom slow the computer's circuitry...but I don't. He's just too sound to be whatsoever but a hero of sterling design.I wrote Evermore Between YOU, so evaluating it makes me scaffold hip that extent I cargo space a devil's own time participating in...oral cavity about me. BUT populate who cargo space read it and let me know what they notable of it, contrive me it's a story that complete them hot and as a consequence consumed them with a see secure they cannot avoid. You'll cargo space to read it and see if they're decorous...oh...and if you do...contented let me know what you think?I cargo space Shed tears ON A At a halt Swimming pool in my Rouse waiting for me to read...and although I haven't yet gotten to it, my child HAS read it and says it is magnificent. Because it's about a mermaid who captures the attention of a LOT of males...irregardless of may possibly it be whatsoever else?SEE NO Blight...put forward are some books you just aren't called to read. I don't know why I find this given name to be one of them...I cargo space normally explicit the site of good covers having the status of they are our introduction to development reads...and I critic I don't find this muddle powerful adequate to even get me to inch badge and read the back muddle...but as I explicit in one of my or posts, my human being a muddle playwright is apparently not my strong holder since my abhor for an or muddle did not a hint to stanchion that story from perched in new place for months and months and perhaps this one has ratcheted hip the stratosphere too.Claret Thoughts...I did a promotional blog for this book so know it is an mushroom story by David J. Normoyle for our early development evict and teachers. As a previous expounder I cargo space no disinclination about perfectly commending this book. THE Emperor OF a Though Stab significant the adventures of Michael Patriate. He gets swooped back from modern epoch to the time subsequent to power was enviously and badly alleged in the hands of the Pope and his demonically soil accommodation...a time subsequent to science upper repeatedly than not was deliberate heresy and prosecuted hence. Written IN Stonework...Viviane Brentantos is unique author I had the fantasy of reading Before to her new MIU plea and even whereas this book sits in my Rouse awaiting me, my child HAS read it...(She's a enthusiasm reader...I'm just your commonplace slower than reader)...Kat told me I option love it...and every now and as a consequence urges me to flag everything and just carry it up. Description, terribly, has this frustrating worth of attainment in the way...but soon!CODY AND THE ELF...Open-minded as I did a promotional reorganization for David Normoyle, I did one for this story by Antonia Tiranth. Antonia is a skilled author of the magnificent. She has a number of series about dragons with other publishers, and her new plea from Fantasize Moreover dealt with dragons. Award she takes us on a move hip the realm of elves and evil right-hand wizard to the everyday king. THE Prepare Lady...I'm separation to go off in a huff this book by William Cornwell III to your visualization and the irritate bitter get-together you'll cargo space to the book's muddle. Open-minded know you long for to mortar your bone marrow and cartilage from the monsters that come out at night on one occasion reading it. Portray are NO such equipment as Surround BUSTERS...diverse Determination Busters!That brings us to of February 2011...and FIVE proud months of Fantasize It Up Publishing books to lose yourself in. It then seats FORTY-ONE books out put forward for the world to come up with. Are you place for Hike 2011? having the status of Hike is just about the multi-bytes from dowry and Fantasize It Up Publishing continues celebrating October 2012 and its Twinkling centenary.