(Contributed by Jed Humphries)Choosing the GenerallyLike I basic heard that represent were going to be pick-up dealings for EDH (Enhanced Dragon Highlander) at Gencon 2009, I firm I meet to level popular the EDHpool. Benefit Training (the union horizontal all the Wizards dealings at Gencon) announced this give away the time Conflux came out, so I right away starting looking for generals give away Alara delay. Two generals right away stood out: Sharuum, the Hegemon and Uril the Miststalker. I discovered prompt on with my Sharuum deck burrow that I didn't swank all the remains trouble cards to run this deck, and I didn't take to set up house a lot of money on them, so I needless Sharuum.Family the WhackI started by burrow for the Uril deck. I conjecture that Uril was one of the best generals out represent, for example he had good enclose, got improved for each air of secrecy together to him and was a 5/5, all for 5. I saw a few conflicting builds going on the internet. One of represent had through a Saproling subtheme to their deck. I didn't mean the deck to the same extent I on the other hand it was straying not permitted from the central detail of the deck which necessity be to smash layer with Uril as quick as promise. Just starting out deck scheme had an enchantress subtheme to key off leap enchantments. I took that thinking and started looking for Auras. The basic three that come to dispute were Case of the Oversoul, Runes of the Deus, and Spate of the Nobilis. I new some larger than big enchantments (Verse Proportions, Clannish Armor etc.), and creatures that keyed off playing and having enchantments (Argothian Enchantress, Enchantress' Specter etc.). In the wake of some playtesting, I discovered that the enchantress cards were not very powerful, and were not regulate the deck win. I was only this minute draft a card or two calculation per game from them, which didn't really cut it, so they were cut for cheaper, appease cards. Whilst I was waterproof in the fact that this was the way I desired to go I started tweaking the deck with larger than mana accelerators and larger than exquisite tutors to intelligence up the deck. I started exhausting to remove high spend enchants in think for low-ranking costed enchantments, and enchantments that bound back to your hand if destroyed. My biggest blame in playtesting Mike's Zur deck to the same extent it was equitable about mean obtain deck except with the cool depression enchants, which utmost of the time were way appease than obtain. I new Krosan Sticking to and Lingify to try and contract with Zur. It only this minute worked about not whole the time, equitable to the same extent WUB enchantments were equitable appease than RWG enchantments. I swank learned to try and leap give away them as best as promise. I came with a leg on each side of deck in playtesting, Bert's Reaper King deck. I didn't really swank an disentangle to his cards in arrears he had bunged Uril the basic time he hit the cost. In the wake of playing against him, I improved my exquisite removal and new Nation-state of Law. I figured out a few items from playtesting. One, I may possibly get Uril out to the lead turn 5 about 50% of the time. Two, if I got Uril out fast bounty, I may possibly win a 1 vs 1 utmost of the time and sometimes win a three singer multiplayer. Three, if I got mana screwed, someone started destroying my lands prompt on, or I was playing against a trying deck, I was most likely going to lose.Battling at GenconI played in three EDH games so at Gencon.Tie in with OneGenerals: Uril the Miststalker, Arcum Dagsson, Wort Raidmother and OonaLike we sat down the depression complete lineup seemed to be intimidated by Uril's first measly power and targeted me for all of represent irritate (I don't lavish they consciously ganged up on me, but all irritate was directed at me). In the wake of the basic holdup of turns, the Arcum Dagsson singer had Meekstone and Akroma's tribute out. He played the Meekstone the turn in arrears Uril attacked so, Uril was out of folder for a so. I didn't even see it coming for example I had never played against Arcum Dagsson. The guy playing Oona was playing an Oona Groan deck, so he was equitable milling everybody with an unite of cards. The guy playing Wort Raidmother equitable simply modest playing cards to let him get tokens, and everybody simply deceased him on your own. I was concerned about the depression lineup and they were concerned about me, so this ended up anyone the three of us ignoring the Wort singer. The reorder I had in this game was I couldn't get a trample exquisite out or a awareness exquisite out. The guy playing Arcum Dagsson lost to the same extent he forgot to pay for Custom of Denial. In the wake of he died (and meekstone was gone), I was really on the irreverent to the same extent each the other lineup has a lot larger than creatures that me and I was peaceful digging for a trample exquisite to stop one of them off. It wasn't desire to the lead Wort Raidmother got out of get by and killed each of us each in 1 turn (plenty of tokens + Sarkan's +1/+1 + Garruk's Overflow = 200+ shot alienated by two lineup).Tie in with TwoGenerals: Uril the Miststalker, Arcum Dagsson, and Wort Raidmother.I don't recall to a large extent about game two, except that it was a time more readily (or more readily to me atrocities each of them). It got to the detail wherever they were all at very low life, and either the Arcsum Daggson guy killed the Wort Raidmother singer or I did, I don't recall. All I know is that I knew I was going up against the Arcum Daggson singer. I had no thinking what was coming. I played some card and he countered with the card that puts it on the crib of your deck. He acting Grope Fantasy and wins.Tie in with ThreeGenerals: Uril the Miststalker, Numot, the Devastator, Azami, Member of the aristocracy of Scrolls, Cut down Overlord, and some other complete I can't recall.I didn't swank an amazing start and I got a few attacks in at 10+ shot on a few generals. My reorder was that I didn't know which complete was talented of "going off" the fasted" or atrocities me impetuously. Whilst larger than creatures started being paid out, I started playing larger than defensively, to the same extent I had no anticipatory creatures. In the end the guy playing Azami simply went immense draft cards and booty turns, and we all scooped.Reflections of a JediPresent are some items I learned at Gencon:Rush Enfold Entity Leisure StylesRush swank conflicting leap styles than what I was use to playing. I am use to playing with a group that is all about atrocities opponents a impetuously and efficiently as promise. Abundant of the guys I played against played with cards that I would swank dismissed as "good" in an aggressive setting. Like I saw Wort ands Cut down Overlord, I awareness knew what was coming, but Arcum Dagsson, Oona, and Azami, Member of the aristocracy of Scrolls, I was contemplative, what is going on and how can they win? Efficient discourse to Azumi singer afterwards, he was saying that some of his decks don't really swank a win setting, he equitable acting until opponents tale. He understood for his Azami deck that the semi-win con is making everybody very convey out by booty plenty of turns (not immense, but striking neighboring to it). I outline that may be a depression player's win condition.Not Lots Media hype to GeneralsEfficient on the other hand I had done a lot of playtesting and tweaking to this deck, I found that diverse of the generals I faced, I was in the dark about for example I was playing against them for the basic or flash time. I lavish this lead to me not playing fairly as aggressively as I necessity swank. I lavish at lowest amount, in Tie in with Three, I may possibly swank busy out 1 or two lineup to the lead I may swank died, but I felt mean I didn't know what others were talented of if I started abusive too to a large extent.No Lots CreaturesUtmost of the time, I found myself saying, "If I a had a creature or two to leap, plus I may possibly injury", so if I were to renovate this deck once again, I would intend to find a appease match in the company of enchantments and creatures.The DecklistThis is the verge on decklist that I used (and I swank in the past dismantled it in sing humble), and functionality of each cardUril the Miststalker (Generally)AshenSeminary Holy woman (The supernatural Clean)Asha's Thanksgiving (The supernatural -First Flay, On high, Restiveness)Ghastly Demand (Gather Relocate - Creatures, Artifacts, Enchantments)Aven Mindcensor ( Clean Hoser)Baneslayer Angel (Vanquisher)Resistance Mastery (The supernatural - Substitute Flay)Disparage (Relocate)Commencement Coronet (The supernatural - Youthful Flay, Restiveness, Lifelink)Innovative Clean (Clean - Result, The supernatural)Bucolic Clean (Clean -Enchantment)Void Boom (The supernatural - Human being Relocate)Path to Eliminate (Relocate - Human being)Refill (Recursion - Enchantments)Retether (Recursion - Enchantments)Nation-state of Law (Anti-Combo)Move out Know (The supernatural - Lifelink, bounces back to hand)Swords to Plowshares Relocate - Human being)Unquestioned Renounce (The supernatural - Concentration from creatures)Wrath of God (Gather Relocate - Creatures)RedViolent behavior (Gives Flash)Bogardan Hellkite (Vanquisher and Direct Damage)Cook on a spit Puncture (Direct Damage)Flametongue Kavu (Direct Damage)Lightning Tress (Direct Damage)Molten Disappointment (X Damage)ImmatureNature of Paradise (Mana Hurriedness)Dominance (Gives Trample)Lignify (Human being Relocate)Unchanging Make certain Recursion)Garruk Wildspeaker (Serve)Settle (Liberty Pull out)Krosan Sticking to (Result, The supernatural Relocate)Ancient Demand (Serve)Unconcealed Growth (Mana Hurriedness)Bane (The supernatural - Gives Trample, bounces back to hand)Hark back to (Recursion)Regrowth (Recursion)Saku-tribe Enhanced (Mana Hurriedness)Soul's Stateliness (Liberty Pull out)Spearbreaker Behemoth (Gives indestructible)Sylvan Documents (Documents Avail yourself of)Blockade of Blossoms (Blocker, Liberty Pull out)Stiff Elves (Mana Hurriedness)MultiArmadillo Block out (The supernatural - Trample, Lifelink)Mageslayer (Result - Direct Damage)Mirari's Means (Mana Hurriedness)Clairvoyant Enforcer (Righteous Human being)Cozy Publicize (The supernatural - Flawless Shroud)Runes of the Deus (The supernatural - Trample, Substitute Flay)Spate of the Nobilis (The supernatural - Lifelink, R/W Firebreathing)Case of the Oversoul (The supernatural - Strong, above ground)Sterling Wood (The supernatural - Flawless Shroud, The supernatural Clean)ArtifactsDarksteel Debar (Mana Hurriedness)Duplicant (Relocate - Human being)Fellwar Clay (Mana Hurriedness)End of Progenitus (Memorial park Relocate)Case of Kaldra (Strong)Sol Boom (Mana Hurriedness)Tawnos' Casket (Relocate - Human being)Pull inTaigaPlateauSavannahStomping BaseSacred FoundryPlace of worship GardensA tangled web TestimonialKarpulsian LumberBattlefield ForgeryBrushlandsTough PraireForested SanctuaryFirelit ClatterSparkly EmbankmentMetropolitan area of BrassExcellent ColloseumWeb of IthKor DocksStain CauseWildsClear MeadowClear Sea cliffClear WoodVesuvaTerramorphic BandContested CliffsKrosan LevelSungrass PrairielandMossfire GapTrreetop The peoplePlains x3Mountian x2Lumber x5So perhaps moreover appointment, I may swank a appease summary of this deck to give birth to with me or Wizards may come out with substitute ridiculous complete that I can give birth to, but keenly I swank learned some items to follow in dispute for arrival summary of this deck or other deck. Any remarks about this deck are welcomed.