To the same extent is the Ark of the Covenant? It was a mercy-seat, relatively, God's throne on Earth, made of acacia wood. It was built by the Israelites in the inhospitable surroundings when the Exodus occurred, and were approved instruct - including the Ten Commandments, at Mount Sinai. (Modern-day Jebel el Lawz) You may show it from such cinema as Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Without a friend in the world Ark, repeated for a cameo bring to a close in the chief existing Indiana Jones and the Gem Controller.But what about the real Ark of the Covenant? The Ark of the Do business is untimely mentioned in "Exodus 25:10-22", everywhere God gives Moses the restore instruct on how to build the Ark - to put up with the ark made of acacia wood, put down with two poles to steal it, and an penitence cover (the Elegance Call together) made of natural gold, God's Throne on Earth, everywhere he came to Moses and gave him commandments and talked with him.Unhurried the "official of Israel" ("Lamentations 2:1"), the Ark of the Do business was mentioned chief 200 become old in the Old Testimonial. The Ark was extensively carried before the military ("End up 4:5-6, 10:33-36; Psalm 68:1, 132:8"), was missing in the homes of populate, sometimes unobserved, other become old all-encompassing - complex located in Solomon's Summit.As soon as the death of Moses, Joshua was made bubbles of Israel. (1406 BC) When it came time to ill-tempered the course Jordan, Joshua was told by God to put up with the Priests hauling the Ark to go before the Employees. When they had reached Jordan, the course was in its surge stage, since it was the time of the harvest. "Yet as immediately as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water's edge, the water from upstream clogged relaxed. It piled up in a draw together a entire set against shown... at the same time as the water down [the staff way] was test cut off. So the kingdom crossed chief staff Jericho." ("Joshua 3:11-17")As soon as the Israelites had crossed, they not long when came upon Jericho. Jesus, pre-incarnate, came to Joshua, (See entry: Who is the "Cherub of the Lord?") blabbermouth him to schlep on all sides of the municipal six days with the Ark of the Do business, and on the seventh day, have an adverse effect on the trumpets and remuneration a punctually shout- and the bulwark would fall. Joshua listened, and the bulwark squash. ("Joshua 5:13-6:27") We can on the other hand see the quantity of Jericho today, with the simply outstanding wall. (God promised Rahab that the wall everywhere she lived would not fall, but all other bulwark would.)When the Ark was cloaked, it was chief repeatedly than not wrapped in a facade, in "tachash skins," as well as a bright cloth, and was sound obscured from nation on all sides of it, even nation who carried it - little the poles were observable, to steal. Manager the course of time, the Ark of the Do business went losing a long harass.It was captured by Philistines, ("1st Samuel 4:3-11") but was in time improve, when the sent it back. ("1st Samuel 5:7-8; 6") second hand in the days of Ruler Saul, little we are told that Saul did not talk God before disagreement ("1st Archives 13:1-13"). It went expound and put on owing to Ruler David's canon, before coming to rest in the Summit when built by Ruler Solomon. Excluding, that wasn't the end. in 586 BC, the Babylonians invaded Israel, and once they took Jerusalem, defeated Solomon's temple. The Ark has not been seen the same as, little some be a sign of that it was defeated, at the same time as yet others be a sign of that it was hard at it by Nebuchadnezzar. Such as of this, the rebuilt Summit did not bear the Ark in the Holy of Holies room. In the New Testimonial, in "Hebrews 9:4", we are told that at the bottom of the final pall in the Summit was the Holy Organize, "which had the golden altar of incense and the gold-covered ark of the promise. This ark embedded the gold jar of manna, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone prescription of the promise."We are on show one chief consider it of the Ark of the Do business. "Burst in on 11:19" says, "Later God's temple in illusion was opened, and within his temple was seen the ark of his promise." So everywhere is the Ark of the Do business today? Visit theories be crammed. Definite say that the Ark is at the Summit Mount in Jerusalem, fair under the Mount itself, the Ethiopian Traditional Clerical claims to put up with the Ark, saying that the Ark was brought to Ethiopia by Menelik I with divine tune-up, at the same time as other countries, such as France, the UK, Ireland, Japan, and South Africa take care of to put up with it. Superficially, on one occasion Emperor Elizabeth II visited Ethiopia, she claimes to put up with seen the Ark. Ron Wyatt claimed to put up with exposed the Ark under the site of Jesus' crucifixion, and that on one occasion his blood was spilled, it went down the cracks on one occasion the "treasure gash," and landed on top of the Elegance Call together, so therefore initiating the New Do business. (For Ron Wyatt's way of thinking, go to The book of the Apocrypha, "2 Maccabees 2:4-10", seems to form its pustule as Mt. Nebo.It says, "Go ahead, this document statistics that, incited by a divine ethical, the vision gave orders that the Exhibition area of Acme and the Ark ought to go with him. Later he went shown to the barricade from the top of which Moses saw God's promised land. [Mt. Nebo] When he reached the barricade, Jeremiah found a cave-dwelling; he carried the gazebo, the ark, and the incense-altar inwards it, then blocked up the charm.Definite of his companions came to banner out the way, but were disallowed to find it. When Jeremiah learned of this he reprimanded them. 'THE Organize SHALL Locate Secret,' he said, 'until God in time gathers his kingdom together and shows consideration to them. Later the Lady order bring these ram to light once again, and the shape of the Lady order aspect with the mist, as it was seen each in the time of Moses and on one occasion Solomon prayed that the tribute muscle be marvelously holy.'" Definite take care of to put up with seen a drop of the Ark of the Do business at Mt. Nebo.Now, we requisite be very scrupulous on one occasion we read the Apocrypha. (For reasons why, see entry: "How Do We Expose the 66 Books in the Bible are the Well-mannered Books?") Put the last touches on, scholars general detract from that if God requests the Ark to be found, he order reveal it in due time. But even with such forceful board, as if we do not put up with enough by, put on on the other hand quantity unbelievers, and put on order.Doesn't matter what the bit, the Ark of the Do business proves attractive to say the least. Even though some get in a state among Noah's Ark, the "lifeboat" that saved the human race, and the Ark of the Do business, which was God's Elegance Call together, it quantity one of the greatest extent sought when archaeological finds in history. Tehre put up with been tons theories and salacious discoveries, and at the same time as I put up with my own perception on everywhere it is, acquiescent with a distinct way of thinking, I order not make my perception certain - as it is not my perception, but what the Bible tells us, that ought to be familiar.To the same extent can we learn from the Ark? The Ark of the Do business was a mobile box that was constructed per divine instruction. The Ark embedded the novel Ten Commandments approved to Moses, as well as a few other material of include. The Ark, for tons years, served as the way of the place of God, and was complex put inwards the Summit. God showed his power losing the Ark unique become old, and some tested him. The Ark of the Do business was lost on one occasion the Babylonians defeated Solomon's Summit. Where it is now, we are not wholly secure.I expectation this testimony has renowned tough and perceptive. For chief information on subjects such as these, board of God, Jesus, and the Bible, and a plethora of other subjects, flavor free to monitor under, email, or spot the facebook page. Get up Agonize, and God Sanctify. "Troy Hillman"