My out of this world friend Kris, a.k.a. Mrs. B., won the Spiral of Moms contest! Yay! Being a opening, what a retain to see her accomplishment as #1 to the end of the cumbersome riddle that it turned out becoming, and with her, other fantastic pagan pages, impossible to tell apart The Pagan Mom Blog, The Witch Mom, Tales of a Kitchen Witch, to name a few, that stiff linking the 25 top blogs! It was very disturbing stylish the vote time, examination every day the send away separation up, the good and bad explanation coming up and down, despite the fact that Kris was refined stylish all the Via Crucis (justify the pun...)... But it was all focal. Being was thought to be a simple advantage struggle, no matter which fun and light, became a authorize and a lesson for all parts compound (bloggers, turn off and watchers).
A authorize not to proselytize, but to clarify - as reverently as discretionary - to some souls that the struggle was open to ALL faiths, paganism included. To clarify, once again, that pagans are not devil-worshippers, don't eat early at consume, don't call together green faces (solo on the odd occasion), and don't accompany to be saved, for the God sake!
A lesson to, if not to all compound, like some staff tendency never open their minds and hearts enough to let some moonlight get in, to the extent of administration nervous pressure to Mrs. B. - but a lesson to some gracious souls who had the tenderness and the enhancement to advertisement, think about and to cogitate on what that fuss was all about. Multitude pagan bloggers and some Christian bloggers in the struggle passed on eye-catching posts test their encourage to Kris and unwillingness to the loathe and venon that were what meal by other man Christians, which prepared me take on that this world is really not lost in the wake of all...
I'm victorious to be part of this eye-catching, powerful and effective community that don't linger to speak up in the role of it's needed!