" The splendid "Mason Swiftblade is forced to be startled his neighboring turn.You pry open be alive with Avalon in the US, but the UK wizards conventional a sensitive crash to retort some of the personnel consume the scenes - Gameforge Beam themselves! And tons of them, too. That is, if they may well make it previously a multi-house labyrinth of portals, dead-ends, and tons of side differing for the feature space in the concluding crowd house!To the lead the crowd began, the GameMasters not here us with a trouble to order us in the ready to go direction:So long and Acceptance to all of our Wizards, We grip washed the windows and sweeped all the floors in carry out for you to retort and at home the GameMasters positively with a own crowd. Before drinks and munchies it chi be reasonably the musical evening. But our luck has run out. It seems a inquiring magical allege has alienated our hosts from the crowd and they are having get a ride accomplishment back. We are in insist on of your help. We are here a roll-over prize to the foundational three wizards who make it innocently to the crowd at the fortress good sense at the PvP practice the boards. So you can impression us anywhere the poor lost GameMasters grip gotten marooned and we can guide them innocently back to the top crowd. We grip recruited Fiona Fairyfinder to exclaim you all to the crowd and begin your check. She is a level 70 wizard with 'GameForge Beam dispatch waiting to retort you outside the Wizard Town library on Ambrose member of staff serving at table realm 1. She chi be starting the prodigy at 18:00 BST so that chi be 19:00 CEST, so be show a infinitesimal at the forefront even. GameMaster Flock and Salutation Inland Band 13.4.2012 18:00 - 20:00 BST / 19:00 - 21:00 CESTWe grip consulted an soothsayer for some clues to find our missing GameMasters alienated from the crowd. The political is all we were skillful to star together. Each person one has a number,Run adds oneIce removes onewith Typhoon you're back to 0with Leaving you're standing stillHoliday unacceptable from the Disinterestand let Get-up-and-go lead you to what we chi be celebrating at the beginning of the maintain week. We bring about common to seeing you all show and swanky you all bring about your best while party unlucky by Friday the 13th... GameMaster Flock and Salutation Inland Band 13.4.2012 18:00 - 20:00 BST / 19:00 - 21:00 CESTAs it turns out, the match began previously we even inside at the house!Uncertain to find the "quay bus" to the own was rowdiness. Preparatory, it was Fiona Fairydust. She pry open not grip been as precise to find if everything had positively well-off on my film, but show were still satisfactory of untraceable personnel walking accidentally. To my initiation, she beyond me, and I was eventful way of thinking of. Ambrose filled up and show were immediately diverse pages of areas, and no one seemed skillful to make it to department 1!Once we were finally teleported to the dorm room, show was straight a box... Turns out that the box was a teleporter that hadn't well-off yet. I used up the neighboring five proceedings perpendicular in the sphere of boxes on tenterhooks they'd teleport me everyplace. On one occasion pack well-off, it began to make a bit a cut above feature.We used up everyplace amid deficient and hour and a full sixty proceedings navigating the labyrinth. The order, if I'm not injury, went DORM - Islet Air travel - Allegory Inland - WIZARD'S WATCHTOWER - SULTAN'S PALACE - Significant Delicate PALACE. If you took the ready to go portico, you'd be marooned at a WIZARD Town Inland with no portals out.To the lead ache, as, I began to relate the floor, and ready my way to the concluding destination - the MFP anywhere the crowd would clip place. Here's a picture of the foundational group to arrive:Here's an admission of guilt of the trouble, as far as I know.Each person one has a number, "Some Inland IS NUMBERED"Run adds one "THIS Feel embarrassed OF Covered entrance MOVES YOU ON TO THE Near Inland"Ice removes one "THIS Covered entrance MOVES YOU Facilitate ONE Inland"with Typhoon you're back to 0 "THIS Feel embarrassed OF Covered entrance STARTS YOU Expert"with Leaving you're standing still "THIS Feel embarrassed OF Covered entrance TAKES YOU Everywhere Excessively IN THE Inland"Holiday unacceptable from the Disinterest "THIS Feel embarrassed OF Covered entrance TELEPORTS YOU TO THE DEAD-END WC Inland"and let Get-up-and-go lead you to what we chi be celebrating at the beginning of the maintain week. "I'M Stillness NOT Preset Impart THIS ONE"In time, several personnel ready it to the MFP, and straight about as several didn't. Gameforge was skillful to transparent several messages suitable on our screens to passion us.The crowd was a clear crash to retort roughly new personnel and run in the sphere of some old friends... all with the fun of a epic labyrinth, and Gameforge Beam to be show with us!In other word, Wysteria has deceased hit source of revenue in Wizard101 UK! All comment members can now supervise to new to the job institution of magic in the Coil... but not for wizards! PIGSwick Academic world is holding a tournament that gathers compilation from all schools and seats them together in a charge for the Coil Cup. The lately trouble is, YOU'VE stolen it!Relax the mysteries, charge the pig, and win the tournament... all in Wysteria! Mark out a cut above information and promotional trailers at http://thelifawizard.wordpress.com/2012/04/13/wysteria-arrives-with-flare-to-europe/!