Broadminded day Witch Uneducated as Janet Owen on the 24th June 1950, in Clapham a district of London, England She wedded Stewart Farrar, thirty-four years her exclusive in Surrey 1975. Janet wedded their family members friend and productiveness unite Gavin Clean on the 5th May 2001. Janet and Stewart Farrar be in possession of done noticeably to make Wicca and the pagan way available to the collective. Their books be in possession of become classics in their own time, and by means of the years express faultless and painstaking spiky work, they became England's most eminent and venerated modern day witches.In this day and age some seventy five percent of Wiccans, also in the Republic and Northern Ireland can fragment their early period back to the Farrar's. BIBLIOGRAPHY Farrar has co-authored a spring of books about Wicca and Neopaganism. With STEWART FARRAR * 1981: "Eight Sabbats for Witches" * 1984: "The Witches' Way" * 1987: "The Witches' Goddess: The Female Credit of Deity" * 1989: "The Witches' God: Member of the aristocracy of the Shove" * 1990: "Spells and How they Job" * 1996: "A Witches' Bible: The Prepared Witches' Show" (re-issue of "The Witches' Way" and "Eight Sabbats for Witches") With STEWART FARRAR AND GAVIN Clean * 1995: "The Pagan Footpath" * 1999: "The Revamp Craft: Revamp Practices for Witches and Pagans" * 2001: "The Prepared Dictionary of European Gods and Goddesses" With VIRGINIA RUSSELL * 1999: "The Charmed Make note of of the Charger" With GAVIN Clean * 2004: "Forward-looking Witchcraft: Spirituality, Mysteries, and Coaching in Broadminded Wicca"Means