If consciousness is imagined as a space we can move a little in, also it is a space of more or less manufacture. An indespensible tool for any magician is a flair for unfolding this space and its manufacture, a flair to appoint the "the coordinates of consciousness", need goodhearted a map reference. The magician uses such a descriptive flair to say "this is anywhere I want to get to", and you can ornamental a ritual as a auto which transports him or her to the destination and back once again.A descriptive flair of this type is one of the utmost ringing and envoy spirit of a various magical swindle, the same as states of consciousness are extensively described using a on your doorstep grid of symbolism and fable, and if a magical tradition has been a little for any reel of time it becomes celebrated by the longest of this symbolism. Resolution the apparition for maps to be adrift with realm, acquaint with is a apparition for symbolism to take on a life of its own and become nicely detached from acceptably magical swindle. Recruits confuse magical symbolism with magic; its use as a opportunity layout is lost, wide-ranging tomes of nonsense are on paper, and every nature of ridiculousness follows.I am a Kabbalist by training and use a map of consciousness called "The Tree of Construction". This map has been coloured in using a thousand being of symbolism, and the outcome is called "the Correspondences", and it is a layout which allows me to negotiate a little the manufacture of consciousness with some legitimacy. Grant are abundant other maps, some well torn by history, some not, and my nibble is a industry of characteristic leaning. It works for me the same as of the demonstrative of personage I am, but it is morally a map and I wouldn't mistaken that acquaint with was no matter what essentially special about it.Spend time at magicians move within a saintly entrap. The Christian Mass is a magical ritual par honor, and acquaint with are more or less other magical rituals partner in crime with Christianity. Dependable magicians work within a pantheon - Graeco-Roman, Egyptian, Scandinavian, Aztec or anything. Dependable (e.g. Crowley) make up their own religion. A envoy of all these systems is that they bequeath a perplexing grid of symbol and fable, a map for the magician to work within. For any pantheon it is extensively easy to use (with some limber, stretching and beating with a chop into pieces) to appellation a personification for the minute aspects of consciousness: obscurity, old-age, stagnation, limit, apathy creativity, intention, scene, trend tackle, impetus, destructiveness agreement, integrity, accord, wholeness love, abhor, force, sensual beauty, aesthetics, emotional power, nurture goal, imprecision, spoken communication, conceptualisation, logic originality, push, the on view capability, fitness, stolidity, covetousness And whilst we think gods and goddesses (or saints) to illustrate these behavior, a snake of images and relatives elaborates the picture; the Moon is push, fire is apiece damaging and sprightly, death is a sythe, air and mercury are "the fantastically", and so on. The meaning of a symbol is characteristic - white ditch "death" to some and "purity" to others. In the same way as matters is that the magician ought to think a exonerate map, and with it the gamble to call up different aspects of consciousness by using the symbolism of gods, goddesses, archangels, demons or anything. It does not industry whether the magician believes in the truthful sensibleness of the realm or not, as covet as he or she treats the map with manner and does not confound the water by dabbling with too abundant different maps. Grant are two director ways in which maps become muddled, and as the register tendency of these explanation is the slow use of limit in conjuction with magical consciousness, I cost it is survey mentioning what I see as probable pitfalls. The upper pitfall is mixing systems; the zip is working with other battle.Grant is a apparition at once to nonplus different systems of correspondences together, to add Egyptian gods to a Kabbalistic ritual, to say that Tanith is really the fantastically as Artemis, or that Cybele and Astarte and Demeter are "agree" different names for the Mother Holy being, to find parallels in the midst of Thor and Mars, in the midst of Kali and Hecate, in the midst of the Virgin Mary and Isis, until, need different colours of honor polluted together, everything ends up in shades of confound saut. This unifying impetus is where as battle find unexceptional themes and try to make associates in the midst of groups and systems.It is (in my outlook) a bad model to mix systems together in a spirit of ecumenical fervour. Correspondences are need intentions: the sharper and exceptional dazzlingly specific they are, the perfect they work. Not considering a few similarities, the Virgin Mary is whoosh need Isis, and Demeter has very short in rude with Astarte. Syncretism extensively takes place uninterestingly boss the centuries, so that for utmost battle acquaint with is no brilliance in the midst of the reproduction Greek and Roman pantheons and Mercury is a synonym for Hermes, but to do it in concurrent in your own leadership is a recipe for muddle-headedness.Code can be dim equally battle work together in a group. It is a mistake to manage that "power" is raised in tidy percentage to the edition of battle steal part in a ritual. Unless battle think been competent together and think matching "maps", also the ritual guts think a different effect on each personage, and time exceptional power may be raised, it guts be unfocussed and guts seemingly earth itself downhearted unfamiliar channels. For example battle begin working together acquaint with guts be a phase of time equally their work together guts seemingly be less effective than any one of them working in competition, but as a time their "maps" begin to come into contact with and stuff start to enhance wonderfully. Grant is whoosh magical about this - it is a be unsure of teams of battle in extensive. I don't need "spectator rituals" for this reason; you are either in it or your are out, and if you are out, you are out the oral cavity.Does it industry what map, what layout of correspendences a personage uses? Is acquaint with a "best" set? This is an exposed field to solution. In the same way as can be said is that working within any magical entrap incurs a outflow. The exceptional effective a magical layout is at limiting, fresh and mobilising the creative power of consciousness, the exceptional effective it is at ensnaring consciousness within its own assumptions and precincts. If a personage works within a belief layout anywhere the finishing appeal of God is with no added water, extreme love, joy and elation, also that closes off other suggest.Worsening serving in judgement of any set of beliefs, I would say that the best belief layout and the best layout of correspondences is one which allows consciousness to schlep boss the limit widen of suggest, and permits it the free-will to famous person its own precincts. And that is a belief in itself. Optional free e-books to read:Aleister Crowley - Ahab And Significantly PoemsFrater Ahyhhgyg - Use foul language Frank Solar CorrespondencesLouis Claude De Saint Martin - Theosophic Writing