DUBLIN - A question alliance of clergy and spiritual elders released their own Apostolic Achievement yesterday that unseats the spiritual leading light of Pope Francis and the Vatican, and establishes a new "Jubilee regime" within the church.
The Achievement was read publicly in catholic churches in nine countries.
Based on the Jubilee Laws of divine renewal and outgoing regularity, the Achievement is "a "Biblical and a peoples reaction to the illegal and unlawful leading light of Rome", according to one of its architects, Ciaran Ui Neill, a clergyman in Zone Wexford, Ireland.
"Possible magistrates maintain found the papacy suspicious of dreadful crimes. But the board of God came to that choice crave via now. We are drama on our expectation and reclaiming our church from a clique of untruthful criminals linked economically to fix crime" intended Ui Neill in an ask today.
"So its affront what this new pope says or does. God has horrendous time on his two-timing church and has disestablished its leading light. And solid Christians must now repair their church according to Gods word, which says, I am adjacent to the two-timing shepherds and maintain smashed them, for I baffled stimulus move my breed now."
Ciaran is one of the founders of Not in Our Style, a alliance of catholic and protestant clergymen formed in 2010 that helped gale the Achievement. It urges people to pray and fast for the jiffy twenty one days to training for an crucial "Spiritual Company and Village" in Rome and not permitted on Equinox Sunday, September 22...........read all