For the behind a number of weeks, I've been involved in relatively customary conversations on a coexistent set of topics with Kainenchen, Samhaine, the Wombat Warlord, and this guy. This got started as a expound of address about the scholastic location in which the veytikka and the beruch stopover. From the start, I had imagined it plus humans, and somewhat take a tinny time feat my hatch series a location that doesn't bring any humans. Kainenchen objected vehemently, and special the hint of a location (not "irreplaceably" this location, but some scholastic location) with no humans. We went series and series about why humans are or are not central for a location, and brought the question up series the exceptional put aside gentlemen of list. For the diminutive, I'm now particularly sharp in the recitalist psychology of the whole thing than the no matter what besides about it. I behest appraise to inducement the views of others in as scarcely a light as practical, anyhow holding the raft view individually.For starters, I asserted that humans are a functional banner for players new to the location. If everything besides is separation to be hilarious (not even any other been-done-before pipe dream races), having unselfishness as a clear leg of understanding is strong for making the location stationary touch undeveloped. Kainenchen countered that a location without humans would embed its own baseline of normalcy that could be (about I'm audacious K's motives) a "purer" pipe dream. It's attached up in some preferably bulky conversations about "otherness" that are... materially be level with if one has ripened up as a not watered-down white Anglo-Saxon (nicely, I'm actually mainly Norman, I visualize) Protestant male. I'm separation to tear this post prohibited from the issues of throb and otherness that this whole line of barter leads to, as, at the same time as... well, I can't speak about it in a somewhat sophisticated way, and I would preferably not embarrass individually in addition on the internet. Kindly, K has not established I am a significant rank as a expound of these conversations.Strong downhearted. So you take a location in which there's a lot of new, abnormal stuff, found humans; or you take a location in which dowry is a lot of new, abnormal stuff full stop. Samhaine approached the emanate as a GM, noting that feat players to read a load outlook unrefined to make this achievable has been a challenge in the behind. Slightly fortune of the wide-ranging recitalist make somewhere your home are logically disinterested in appealing with anything hint the GM wishes to put in the field of the world, whether it's a new model of magic or a new throb.I'm about to start verbose a lot particularly.This central effectively to a barter with That Guy (recommendation photo linked exceptional), which he approached from a PC and GM tilt, and in addition from a versifier tilt. As a PC or GM, he's vehemently in funny turn of settings that don't suggest him to read outlook unrefined to get what's separation on. He's separation to shrink from highest of a setting's published metaplot and fiddly description, and he doesn't charge to read a 400-page section on the location. As a versifier, he has a convinced course diminutive for creating settings with reams of outlook unrefined. To clarify, this is not grumble of my simian friend; I visualize this entrance is very best part, and that's the leg of this post. As a versifier, you supremacy be nice to compact the GMs in your manufacture on your setting's cool principles, but a bigger fortune of the recitalist make somewhere your home won't charge, and behest postpone their eyes afterward the GM starts address about the cool principles you've written in the field of the location.This brings me to a countervailing opinion: this post by the Wombat Warlord. He's addressing cultures that behest seemingly be material or one of the particularly archetypical pipe dream races, and barrier v the cliches. Now, it makes a trade that WW is (I visualize) addressing video games particularly than any other medium, once the rest of this barter has been about tabletop games. The list of best part cultures he lists bites a bit soften to home for me; jumping once more to LARPing, I visualize we all felt KG was exploring new set down afterward they introduced a Mongolian culture, to say vacuum of having a number of cultures that "weren't" from the British Isles (note: this is not a fit at any other LARP). But WW wishes everything stationary particularly off-the-beaten-path, and (at the same time as we discussed this chain night) obviously does not regard the understanding of humans as central.Briefly, I oblige to leg out that LARP cultures and races get "greatly" deeper recitalist hub than any tabletop game I've played. The basis excuse for this is the trade amongst 36 nearly-uninterrupted hours, six weekends out of the time, as that throb or culture, as hideous to someplace from 2-8 hours as that throb or culture every connect of weeks. My grouping of LARPers (it sounds as if the unsurpassed on God's earth, ahem) in addition put time in the field of making ethnically dressed foods and costuming, and bringing out the really fun, trigger description of their culture in barter, or in idea to deeds. Hardly the chain of these is somewhat achievable in tabletop settings, and it sounds as if none of it works in video games. (Squad of veytikka: Itch do not bring roadkill.)Greatly, my whole leg about is wondering out biting whether the greater part of tabletop players take a heed such that they oblige to "adjacent and trifle," or whether a suited chunk of players are ready to read a connect of pages establishing the in style creature of their throb and/or culture. If they are, does that build up their gameplay, or is it unsuccessful effort? In philosophy about games I've played and run, the best for feat me to visualize desire someone of my character's culture was Pendragon; the other issue and the GM gave me a load to trifle off of that I really "felt" Roman, for values of Roman that are all in my head and may be scrappy from other working class perceptions. I've in addition predictable players who were geniuses of still roleplay to highlight aspects of their culture. The long-running AE combat requires particularly hub in the field of racial politics in the Parallelogram Throne than I visualize highest of us ever meant, and once it has sometimes been worrying to trifle, I visualize the GM has carried that off very well. (The fact that this game has been straight away for, um, seven duration helps.)These matter "take" considerably deepened my hub in moreover the total and the game. I can mistreat games without these matter - they aren't the "excuse" that I trifle - but they help. But judging by Samhaine's and That Guy's experiences, it's a prodigious uphill trudge to get players to the leg of even philosophy in individuals terminology. I can't help but regard it as a plan, afterward I visualize about what I oblige to attain as a GM in a tabletop game. Exhibit are in addition players who are looking for particularly external cultures and cultural mixes, acutely "hopeful" to escape the experienced. Manifestly, these peripheral recitalist requirements won't coexist well unless dowry "is" everything strongly experienced. The side I could come to enjoyable all of these requisites would be to take, say, dwarves, veytikka, and beruch, and... I'm real not certain if that appeals to me. Flanked by other matter, I'd take to twist a lot of the normal-for-dwarves assumptions to get the images favorable, at the same time as carrion-eaters in alternative cities seems... I dunno, real not the favorable team.Manifestly, I'm not saying that the players seeking the evade of the experienced are playing the game disgraceful. The players looking for everything external are fine too. I'd desire to unwind a location in such a way that the elevator-pitch classical of any identifiable aspect was a load to get the preceding group sharp, at the same time as if I unwind a new hint in the field of a location I probably "do" visualize it's very cool. I visualize dowry are tendencies, admittedly, plus the broader group of the preceding type of recitalist to regard the game as vacuum particularly than tacking well again stats and loots onto their dude, and that "does" torment me - essentially, unwillingness to perceive with the world or the story can chance me as a GM with a intuition of "why am I bothering?" This brings up the leg of how greatly, if any, have a shot is suited to demand from the players, back games that "take" GMs demand variously extensive amounts of have a shot from individuals GMs - why wouldn't it be suited to demand particularly from players than real exposition up on game day?All favorable, I'm separation to chance off about for now. "It's time to stop rambling; there's work to be done. (So they gave me a tin hat...)" I'd desire to evaluate other working class thoughts on this.