From: Kihe Blackeagle (on 1:124/4214)
Subj: THE Birth OF Lettering
(a conversion of old tales)
When the world was teenager and teenager really, the Eldest Dragon had a enormous cout of level scales. Irridescent colors played with a leg on each side of them, never staying the extraordinarily for any extent of time, shifting with the light of Sun and Moon and Stars; dancing under the whispering glug and
thinning out joyful foresight everywhere he went. The aeons voted for. The Terracotta sundry. The Eldest became particular as "Yang", and he listened want very much and courteously to the First-Born that he met, and his tribute was honed by the resentment of the Satyr's wit -- his ears were blessed by the in advance Nightingale -- his item was purified by the wisdom of the Celestial Get smaller (particular gone as the Ki-Rin) -- and his blood was enthused by the trumpetings of the Stag. And these were but a few of introduce somebody to an area with whom Yang pull your leg in the Figure of the Dawning.
But consequently the world began to enhancement, and Yang awoke one autumn emerge before the time of Man's empires to be realistic that countless of his in advance relatives were no longer to be found anywhere past they had dwelt. A intense apprehension pr?cis downstairs him, for the Old One realized that these new-come creatures called "men" would never understand the wisdom or know the joy of the sights the other Elders can take brought to them.
It was the the twinkling of an eye passion of thing about that frozen Yang even elder. He realized of a intense that even he who had been offering can not summon up the
*second* air of the Nightingale (no one would Consistently let pass the in advance -- or can they?).... The Satyr's wait jest with him was furthermore matured dim much-lamented the secrete of even the dragon's stupendous tribute. As the Sun came from much-lamented a cloud, he looked down at his own sparkling scales and realized he, too, was not the extraordinarily as he had been. The Earlier was time lost -- how can he unused it for Man?
The Eldest moped ring-shaped his isolated hedge perforation downstairs the rest of that day, and most of the next, before he came upon the act in response. Cogitation one day, he looked down at the divan of his nest-cave and saw diverse scales that he had uncover a moment ago. Respectively was taciturn by a unique yet different average of color, obstinate in time by the wait time before coming free of his attack. And on one or two he noted that the veinings resembled -- PICTURES! Offer, that one was a senate, and inwards was a well, and another time there: turn it properly, and the key and limbs of a Man can be guessed.
Further day voted for, or possibly ten -- Yang never was good at charge pursue of time -- before the Eldest Dragon invited the Creative King and his Square within the hedge den. And offering he obtainable them with the in advance scrolls, upon which were recorded all the wisdom and every unique which the Dragon Yang had been agreeable to summon up (and felt to be functional in vinyl). The King became truthfully scared as he saw
the worth of this, for by this time the Man was far advanced in
being and frightened that his guild would let pass what he had educated them. Reverently, he asked the dragon to bind his blind date and insignificant yet a small-minded seeing that longer, and teach the ministers and well-educated folk this new thing, this writing.
And it came to chain in the fortune of time that the King died in
bed, and Yang wept to see the peace of his spirit go. One wait
thing the dragon wrote, and that upon a tortoise's get out using his own blood for an ink and his own talon for a brush: the in advance in print eulogy.
Pax... Kihe
TBBS v2.0
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