The Joke List of High Tome FreemasonryIn the role of is the secret log book of high level Freemasonry? Keep your mind on to this citation from our Red Ice Data lines program with Christopher Knight from July 2011 for a enchanting and disturbing prediction. BBCs articles "Would you fantasy to be a Freemason?" & "Freemasons: Your questions answered" is exclusive or less a conscription retaliation. We wrote "BBC Continues Enlistment Fight for the Freemasons - In the role of is Justly Separation on Home the Brotherhood?" to parley this. Christopher became a Freemason in 1976. Currently he believes at hand is a Masonic log book, yet unconventional group is pulling the strings. We talk about the founding of America as the Masonic taster and Washington, DC as Zion and the Pentagon as the Stonehenge of USA, intended according to ancient megalithic amount. Maryland and Virginia characteristic DC as goddess be fond of is an outdo part of Freemasonry. Chris energy in addition chitchat the Masonic belief about The New Jerusalem and Yahweh coming back to standard the Earth. Keep your mind on to the at the outset hour "Christopher Knight & Alan Butler - Way of life One, The Moon & The Megalithic Conceal" here: Keep your mind on to the gleam hour "Christopher Knight - Washington Matter of Zion, Pentagon Stonehenge & The Masonic List" here: inEnvironment Schedule out the fresh completely at homeUploads by RedIceRadio