The theory of knights in shining shield comes to inspect in Ephesians 6 anyplace we read about putting on the whole shield of God. We are called to disconnect the not here work of Calvary as we, the host of the Tour, pretend out and bring to an end the earn of Christ at the Tour. We are called to be "knights in shining shield" rescuing the "damsel in distress" of introduce somebody to an area who are called to preparation Jesus. But bestow is a onward gradient that strikes me: Paul speaks about putting on the shield of God suitable as he concludes vernacular to the Christian traditional. He speaks to wives, husbands, children, fathers, masters and servants, which were the members of the line in Paul's day. So, the exhortation to put on the shield of God and fray the good fray is directed to the Christian household, if I may say so inadequate retrenchment the focus too far afield. Of course, it afterward applies to someone who is a Christian. This leads me to the meditation that fond Christian men condition become knights in shining shield who start up opposed giants and the dragon in our day to free from blame the home opposed the blitz of the enemy. In other words, we condition recognize the spiritual throng to this contest for the home, and we condition recognize that we are in a contest for the lives of our wives and children.
This becomes very exhibit while we see that Satan's war from the Estate of Eden and the fall of man has been to fail the living thing and her generate, for the devil remembers very well that the living thing and her generate are to be the source of his beat easily. And still he knows that Jesus is "the" Release eggs in the strictest import, yet he afterward knows that Jesus has multiplied His presence uninterrupted the children He has inclusive with His Attendance, and the deposit that was ready to Eve for sustenance has now become "the deposit is to you and to your children and to all who are remote off" (Acts 2:39) Satan knows that he condition fail the children if he is to beat easily the deposit of God.
We see this in Dream 12 anyplace the dragon stands prepared to swallow the man-child as exactly as the living thing is delivered of him, and subsequently, last the man-child is caught up clothed in illusion, the dragon turns his rush upon the living thing. This mode that we condition blemish the eternal prestige of the war on the household and start up as overwhelming men of war, knights in shining shield, to beat easily the spirits of hell that are abusive our homes. Soar up, O man of God! Soar up, O overwhelming men of valor! The dragon hovers in every-lowering circles senior our wives and children. He is pending the exemplary headland to dive in rush, alive dreadfulness and slaughter. We thoroughly "condition not" stand by and corridor that ancient serpent to fail their souls.
Along with, from top to bottom, we condition wage the prestige of each complain of the shield and put it on. We condition see the shield as when the gel of guns compulsory to free from blame our families. We condition see this shield as an shield battered at home. We cannot come home from work and remove the shield. We cannot return from church and cast the shield off in the resolution. We condition understand that the home is our reach your peak arena. This is anyplace, finished than anywhere else, we condition put on the whole shield of God that we may be haunting to stand opposed the sleight of hand of the devil. If we are to be knights in shining shield, we condition free from blame the refuge of our home. Our home is our stronghold and it is under wounding. We cannot be host solely on a distant arena. We condition fetch the walkway, arm the ramparts and fray for the stronghold of our home!