She did the MM. The next day she received notification that she passed a certification test in her profession. She'd been waiting forever to receive that. The day after, Texas accepted her California credential under reciprocity. A day or two later she landed a line on a job. She applied.
It turned out that job was something she did before. She was a member of the pilot project that determined the national standards for the work umpteen years ago. My Gal said it was her favorite job ever and that she was very good at it. She called it her dream job and was quite excited. She interviewed for the position.
Then nothing happened.
Last night, we talked about it and she stated how desperately she needed that job. She'd been doing the MM but she hadn't heard a thing. I volunteered to do the MM on her behalf.
I worked the meditation so I was literally doing it IN her and FOR her. It wasn't my meditation. It was hers. I learned that the process was blocked for two reasons. The first was that she was very fearful of not getting the job. She has a one year old to feed. The second, and this is so sweet, she wanted the MM to work so badly for me. She was hoping that I really have found the method of a lifetime. That hope really translated into a fear and kept things blocked. I simply got 'above' those fears as I did the meditation.
Today she learned, SHE GOT THE JOB! I am so thrilled for her. It was make or break time. Had she not held onto that fear, I'm sure it would have happened even sooner.
What is the Manifestation Meditation?
After ten or twenty years of Golden Dawn Style work, I developed a method that boils down all that work into a mantra/prayer that can be performed in under ten minutes a day. The mantra is Qabalsitically based.
At the moment, I am only teaching people I know and that is mostly local. With this meditation, I have seen people go through an entire Golden Dawn neophyte alchemical break down in a day and begin recombination in the next. This works very quickly. Is very powerful and sometimes shocking in its speed and effectiveness. Those that have gone through initiatory processes will understand that is incredibly fast. Had I not experienced this meditation, I'd say too fast.
So right now, I am experimenting with some friends and myself. I want to make sure I understand the nuances so I can teach this completely in book form. I am writing that now. I don't mean to sound like a teaser commercial. It just happens that is where I am in development right now.