Pope Francis speaks at St Peter's harmonize on December 11, 2013. Insist 5th, 2014 10:04 AM ET By Daniel Burke, CNN Observe Blog Co-Editor(CNN) - Pope Francis reaffirmed the Catholic Church's opposition to gay marriage on Wednesday, but optional in a weekly trial that it may perhaps in return some types of polite unions. The Pope reiterated the church's longstanding teaching that "marriage is involving a man and a woman." Even, he aimed, "We stand to freshen at an assortment of gear and commemorate them in their add up to." For pencil case, polite unions allow financial pledge to cohabitating couples, "as for pencil case in healing security," the Pope aimed in a all-embracing trial published Wednesday in Corriere della Sera, an Italian tabloid. A amount of Catholic bishops stand supported polite unions for same-sex couples, plus Pope Francis in the role of he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 2010, according to information in Resident Catholic Teller of tales and The New York Times. Pompous ON CNN: In the nick of time bunged doors, pope supported polite unions in Argentina, protester says This is the beforehand time a Pope has "indicated even tentative acceptance of polite unions," according to Catholic Figures Utilization. Pope Francis, who symbols his beforehand appointment in accounting on Insist 13, has sought to set a outstanding long-suffering tone for his 1 billion-member church and optional that a widespread oil-burning stove of topics are at least open for parley. In January, the Pope recalled a fresh girl in Buenos Aires who told her guru that she was sad to the same extent "my mother's girlfriend doesn't yearn for me." "The take in which we survive now provides us with new challenges which sometimes are unyielding for us to understand," the Pope told leaders of ceremonial short, tallying that the church "ought to be careful not to cast a vaccine against religious conviction to them." The Vatican bearing in mind denied that the annotations signaled an opening just before same-sex unions. Categorical June, Francis superbly refused to narrate gay priests in annotations that ricocheted nearly the world. He has any aimed that the church have to not "pry" in the spiritual lives of gays and lesbians. Ovation of same-sex unions of any type is fervently contested by numerous Catholic church leaders. In Wednesday's trial, Francis any addressed round about other emotional issues, plus the Catholic Church's ban on contraception, the ego of women and the earth-shattering clergy sexual abuse atrocity. On contraception, the Pope praised Pope Paul VI for having the "spirit" to "go against the bulk" in the role of restating the ban in 1968. But, Francis aimed, the church ought to any be "long-suffering" and "unselfish to durable situations." Contraception and church's ban on divorced Catholics unloading holy communion, request predisposed be addressed at chief meetings of Catholic bishops in Rome in 2014 and 2015. "We ought to allocate a unloading. But to do so, we ought to unhurried extreme in asset," the Pope aimed Wednesday. On the ego of women in the church, an consequence of demanding fault-finding to Catholics in the United States, the Pope not explicit that changes may perhaps be in the works. "Women ought to be grant in all of the places where decisions are occupied," Francis aimed in the weekly trial, but the church ought to subtract outstanding than "beneficial" roles for women. To that end, Catholic leaders are occupied in "deep thought" on women's ego in the church, he aimed. On the sexual abuse of children by Catholic clergy, a atrocity that has rocked the church in the United States, the Pope aimed the abuse has departed "very deep wounds" on victims. In unloading, the church has done outstanding than other institutions to be open and transparent about sexual abuse by its toil, Francis aimed. "But the Church is the definitely one to be attacked." A United Nations turn criticized Catholic leaders halt month in a forceful blast on clergy sexual abuse. The blast aimed the Vatican "has not conventional the insight of the crimes out-and-out, has not occupied the want resources to dwelling gear of child sexual abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and practices which stand led to the safeguarding of the abuse by and the impunity of the perpetrators." The Vatican aimed it would study the U.N. blast. On Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who has questioning church-watchers with community appearances after saying he would survive a immature life in retirement, Francis aimed he considers his forebear a "wise person grandfather." "The Pope Emeritus is not a statue in a museum," Pope Francis aimed. Fair and square, the two men stand critical that Benedict have to games in the church's community life to some extent than survive a shuttered life. "I concern about grandparents who with their wisdom, their directives, prop families and don't pro to end up in an old lineage home," Francis aimed. Finally, he may sometimes wear a cape, but don't howl Pope Francis a Superman, the popular pontiff aimed. "To dye the Pope as a categorize of Superman, a well-mannered of star, seems poisonous to me," Francis told Corriere della Sera. "The Pope is a man who laughs, cries, sleeps pungently and has friends yearn for each person else. A usual being." Aforementioned this appointment, graffiti depicting a muscle-bound and flying Francis appeared on parapet near Vatican Public, but the Pope aimed Wednesday that he doesn't yearn for the "mythology" surrounding his papacy, which symbols its beforehand silver jubilee on Insist 13. For pencil case, Francis debunked the persistence that he sneaks out of the Vatican at night to feed the ejected. "It never occurred to me," he aimed. (CNN's Delia Gallagher assisted in translating Pope Francis' clarification from the Italian.) Daniel Burke - CNN Observe Blog Co-EditorEquip.