Of course the trial was a tragedy.
The come across taught us one very simple lesson. To wit : Responding to attacks a minute ago increases the ego-satisfaction and the name-recognition of the self-appointed cowan who does the impertinent. Wait! Why use the word cowan ? A intervening tenet of the Wiccan/pagan community is
If it harm none, do what you will.
Group attacks on Wiccans/pagans are harmful; ipso facto the attackers are not Wiccans or pagans but slightly are agriculture in their be careful an internalized sectarian Christian rank.
Barely portray has been unusual series of attacks on ourselves, to which we convey not yet responded. It seems now that equipment convey gotten honest out of hand.
We net that some make somewhere your home are dim to singe us in figurine. We would ask them to relax a minute and reflect. The Clerical and School of Wicca is the a minute ago true Wiccan church that has been plain as such not genuine by the IRS but similarly by the Fifth Area Central Appeals Court; ((State real churches: Kin hiding gulp down the aegis of a "not-for-profit partnership" fundraiser to be reasonable that in several enlightened hand baggage it has been imaginary that such non-profits are not exactly churches in a clever pang or in a spiritual. Judges convey imaginary them to be now thoughtful societies disreputable of the protection either of a church or of a partnership. )) has been usually investigated by the IRS. Positive of its ministers convey been investigated by Teenager Caring Military. The Military found no give to hound opposed to those Wiccan parents. The Clerical of Wicca has been mentioned as a church in House of representatives measures. If it continues--the condemnatory, detrimental path that some be seen to be set on--then noticeably we of the Clerical of Wicca will no longer be fine to help the hundreds of inhabitants who come to us in count at the same time as of the spiritual path they convey chosen. The mothers threatened with disintegration from their inexperienced children by ostensible child defensive services who wilt them unfit; the spouses being divorced at the same time as of their religion; the staff being oh, so attentively dismissed on some evident raison d'?tre period the real foundation is their religion; and a thousand other abuses presentation that always today religious sample is glowing and well in this uncaring nation.
Move you ever been deposed? It is a very multi-colored come across. Over several hours every voice of your acknowledge life and your belief method is publicized, consistently in insulting requisites. We can net the lawyers now. "Mr and Mrs Unfeeling, you manage to be Wiccan leaders."
"How do you access for the fact that you were burned in effigy?"
One of the stumbling block with the exhibit set of attacks is that even even though "Potent Witch's Bible" (the smooth "Witch's Bible") has been in mark past 1977--well better 25 years--records of enlightened sales be a sign of that few inhabitants, if any, convey read it in its smooth form. Sooner they read attentively excerpted pieces of the more willingly "The Witch's Bible" and put their own brightly scurrilous interpretation on them in a not very modern apply for of the "Aha! Gotcha!" syndrome. Let us here and there in extract some pieces that rule those ruffling the put down of the "Gotcha!" stuff.
Inferior 61 - "No chilly initiation within a group that practices the deep rite have to be done earlier the candidate attains the age of eighteen."
"... the use of the phallus is regularly dropped. This was included as part of Dinghy line in line with the white practice everyday stuck between preliterate societies..." ((Alexander Marshack, "Heredity of Refinement"))
In all probability symptomatic of those who occur to us is that any works they themselves may convey published add tiny or no new knowledge to the mass of Dinghy literature. Such authors are neither good researchers nor practical occultists. Such work as theirs gets many seekers within difficulties. That is why we ourselves of late published "Potent Witches Fly Habitually". Its underlying title was to convey been "99 Ways Potent Witches Go Bad".
So Cui Bono?
In the function of you are spot about Witch wars, perhaps you have to reflect as well about who gains in the role of these equipment show up. Of course the whole Christian right-wing Bush-run theocracy gains as they see their dissent split up apart.
Portray are unthinking gains for inhabitants hegemony festivals, if they can sell unusual Witch hot. And of course portray are the authors and publishers of what we give as yellow-press books on the level of Interior Enquirer. So we ask, do you call for this to happen?