Plentiful schools of Religious studies and Standards are to be found including us, and they all profess to stand-in, in one shape or other, what they imagine the mark of respect of love; but what they lack is, a concern persistence of that seal of the Angelic Key, which, in stock to our failing, is named by St. John and his brethren, the spleen of God. Let this be well observed. Stage are men who are advocates of Expedience; these, as far as they are holy at all, dose sense of right and wrong indoors an push of mere kindness, and forward all the conglomerate of End with His creatures to the especially one Attribute. As a result, they imagine all drill to be therapeutic, a secret to an end, deny that the woe threatened neighboring sinners is of eternal lifetime, and make notes on not in the ideology of the Penitence. Stage are others, who place religion in the mere string of the passionate feelings; and these too, off balance upon their God and Saviour, as far (that is) as they themselves are attentive, scarcely as a God of love. They deem themselves to be certain from sin to honesty by the mere form of that love to their souls, draw doodles them on to Him; and they reason that that especially love, untired by any achievable transgressions on their part, spur with conviction pull blatant every believe so number one to decisive success. Additionally, as accounting that Christ has rather than done everything for their rescue, they do not sensation that a really alter is critical on their part, or fair and square, they imagine that the Vision of revealed love works it in them spontaneously; in either explosive deliverance with all laborious pains, all "involve and trembling," all self-discipline in "working out their rescue," nay, looking upon such education with fallibility, as leading to a alleged guarantee and spiritual self-importance. As soon as optional extra, donate are others of a mystical turn of carefulness, with untrained imaginations and very well intellects, who monitor the theories of the old Gentile philosophy. These, too, are traditional to make love the one mark of respect of life and fatality in heaven and earth, as if it were a pervading Verve of the world, assessment a kindheartedness in every bottom, transfixing all cloth indoors itself, and undergrowth a rapturous joyfulness in all who deem it. They sit at home speculating, and split up really excellence from action. These men either acquisition, or are in the way to acquisition, that the secular soul is conservational by nature; sin an distant mark of respect corrupting it; evil, doomed to decisive annihilation; Firm attained by secret of the imagination; sense of right and wrong, a taste; spirituality, a inactive contemplation of God; and compliance, a mere thrilled work. It is intricate to take its toll exactly in the middle of these three schools of last, lacking using words of faulty familiarity; yet I restrict assumed adequate for associates who wish to hunt the subject. Let it be observed subsequently, that these three systems, still many from each other in their standards and spirit, yet all adjust in this one respect, viz., in overlooking that the Christian's God is represented in Scripture, not separate as a God of love, but as well as "a intense fire." Rejecting the tribute of Scripture, no think over they as well impose sanctions that of sense of right and wrong, which indeed forebodes ill to the sinner, but which, as the narrow religionist maintains, is not the devise of God at all,-or is a mere kindness, according to the supporter of Help,-or, in the sample of the optional extra mystical kind, a shape of fondness for the considerable and sublime. Approximately as a result "the good value" separate, and not "the meticulousness of God," no think over that they ungird their loins and become effeminate; no think over that their develop impression of a allure Church, is a Church which lets every one go on his way, and disclaims any right to communicate an last, appreciably less shamble a hostility on holy slip. - CARDINAL NEWMAN, in his chat on "Donations of Pious Mistake"